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Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dark Ages of Camelot won the poll on Massively's Choose My Adventure. It is now into week II and being tracked on the DAoC website.

Posted by Kai Schober | 2012 Mar 22 13:12 -0400 GMT
In the past two weeks, readers of Massively's 'Choose my Adventure' feature picked Dark Age of Camelot, and later decided that Midgard was the place to explore with a hybrid class. Yesterday, the first adventures of a female Troll Skald with a taste for bacon were published.

"Soon enough I was level 7, and I had become an unstoppable juggernaut of death (well, at least in my own mind). In just a few short hours I'd gone from wearing a leather jerkin my mother made for me when I was but a 200-pound Troll toddler to a suit of the finest chainmail. For fashion, I had a bright yellow cloak that was perfect for getting the attention of everyone in the area who might be looking for an easy target to kill. Fortunately, I figured out how to dye it baby blue because blue is soothing, comforting, and a PvP invincibility shield."

After receiving the King's Call, the question is if she should continue to fight PvE in Hafheim or if she should head into the first battlegrounds and get a taste for RvR.

We think it's an easy choice - why don't you go and vote yourself?

See you in battle!