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[Discussion] Nice Festival.....but...


Always Present
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Iam kinda geting sick of seeing the same items at oveliflated prices....just saying..more and more items every day......people need to get a bloody grip and forget about th olde days..when it was worth heaps more.. ..i love the festivals ...but i dont look forward at seeing exactly the same stuff at slightly higher prices at the next fest...[whatevr]


Always Present
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btw there will be 4 months b4 next fest.. thats another 2000/5000 drops minumn... lets wait and see..hey...


Stratics Veteran
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always new items at the fest, i came home(or will once the patch lets me get back to origin) i went there with 200 mil , im coming home with 250+ and spent about 900 mil on items..many of the items i got were much more expensive at the last fest.but there is that darned smelly pile of rabbits feet that i swear one day i might just buy so i never have to see it again....


Always Present
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SORRY ....I guess there was a lot of new stuff too...mainly a heap load of lanterns LOL....and obviously a lot of the last 4 months em drops amonst a lot of othere rammel......but my point is there was a lot of vendors that were displaying the same stuff that didnt sell for them last time..at a slightly higher price this time...lol...well if it did not sell last time.... maybe they should use some common sense...next time...

well......just a observation i made....


i saw tons of great stuff, but the problem is... there are SO many new 'rares' being introduced now that the truly RARE classic items are either NFS or go for a mind blowing amount because its getting harder to differentiate between 'rares' everyone has and actual rare items. kind of like in wow when it became 'free purpz.' what fun is owning a rare if it isn't rare? all the mediocre stuff seems like its 'everywhere' and the great rares are all locked up in some castle on Hokotu or atlantic =P


Crazed Zealot
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the great rares are all locked up in some castle on Hokotu or atlantic =P
Hey now, Baja owns a couple of those great rares too :)

But I think you two forgot the meaning of the rare fests. It was mainly about people getting together, showing off their gears, chilling, and having a great time. The shopping part is a bonus sure but it's where all the collectors gather in one place once every few month with nothing more than just having some communal fun.

I have no problem with all levels of rares being sold here or quantity wise because there are all levels of collectors. One of the best moments for this at this rare fest was when I met a couple of new collectors that were just after cakes, pies, Christmas, and easter items; something to start their collections off. They knew they had no funds to purchase big ticket items but they had fun seeing them on display and watching the big collectors bidding on them. This experience inspired them to collect their way upward which to me is the most health sign one can expect in this profession and for the longevity of this game for that matter.


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very true manticore , its nice to see the new collectors coming into the mix, most of what i put on my fest vendors has always been a mix low end rares and semis that i always make sure there going cheap for those new collectors,and i love it when we meet new collectors and talk about rares and such, its also the time where i get to meet people whom i talk to on this forum.but i do understand the point thp made , seems a few of the vendors do look awefully familair each fest. of course that could just be the sellers style and not just the same exact ones from last fest.


nah Manti I agree. its a fun event with a great turnout. plus i learn stuff! there is a lot of game history. it really is more for fun than anything else. we have forums for trading all year around with a really active community, don't need the fest so much anymore as a tool for acquisitions or getting rich. rares collecting is in some ways more accessible than ever now, which is good. unless you like to own everything, then its awful :D


Social Distancing Since '97
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Im going to say it over and over-

Rares Fests should be held on shards that need help in their population/economy. Players go to events there for the first time, see the shards pvp for the first time, bring ALOT of gold so people from the shard can make more money, ect ect ect. It can all be used to HELP the lesser shards.

Instead, us Collectors, keep insisting on going to Atlantic twenty times, or GL another 10.


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Hi, Just watching this thread as the Festival on Great Lakes is over now time for me to review and watch. Great Lakes to my knowledge has only held fest a couple times, and I had thought I read that Baja has a fall time slot locked in???

From a NON collector I found the mix of vendor stuff interesting, and it is good to see new folks talking, asking questions, seeing different venues for buying and selling. Trying to bring a selection of price ranges and items for all levels of collectors I think is a bonus. I find that the few new faces to the game that come to auction often assume you always have to have multi millions to bid and win, or they've never operated a vendor before and done the merchant thing. It can be an addictive side of the game collecting, striving for that bargain.

I put the effort into the 100 sets of runebooks we gave out so that vendors outside of Luna might get some attention from visitors, I haven't had any feedback from those people on shard. It was mostly small team of folks who went out and marked runes to create them, unfortunately only 1 team helping were vendors in the book. The game really does inhibit communication a bit, its very hard to get word out hitting all play times of those on the shard. Used Global, some forum boards, some announcements at auction, traveling to houses trying to find the owners. We set up the events to try to get folks to mingle more.

We had hoped this Fest would create some bonds, get more people traveling, interacting, spread some of the gold beyond fest and luna. I can be a tad bit critical of my own achievements and work, but in hindsight, I see a few things that were a little off, the length may have been a tad to long it caused some renewal issues with vendors. Some of the games were a little rough, I'm working on refining them. It was a first mass run through with them, trials were limited to a handful of people, I was a little locked in to "home shard" habitual thinking rather than more "global" in some of my questions in Tic Tac Dough.
More publicity about the DEVS being there probably would have been good.

The Silent and live auctions were I think well received in general has been my feedback. Being able to wander and look at items on display at Silent Auction was a great thing even "window" shoppers liked that. In a live auction setting I think a secure display space would be a plus at least for a few items that are up for sale a bit ahead of schedule. Transparency with live auction results, seeing the results of winning auctions in the Silent went over well. People want to know.

Manticore, I'd like to ask your permission to try to move your rare's lists into a game format on Great Lakes, many don't read the forums. I think it would be a great reference in this format for those interested in reading more. Pricing is a constant state of flux in UO, the economy is fluid and over inflated true, but it has been a whacky world of insane prices for as long as I can remember, from wicked highs to devastating lows. Being a successful collector and or merchant in UO is an "art" there is a lot of knowledge stuffed into the heads of those who have perfected the skill of buying low and selling high.

MOA certainly does rise and fall with the numbers of items submitted and quality of submits, the prices bid, the perception of how rare something is. The number of dupes, exploits etc that have been found to corrupt the market. "The amount of gold an item is worth comes down to what a willing buyer is prepared to pay at the very moment the item is offered for sale." Best anyone else can do is give historical data on what it sold for last. I think this is true of every merchant and auction house, you have to constantly try to monitor and adjust.

To the next Festival Host, I wish you the best! It was a lot of fun, a lot of work behind the scenes, very little sleep but all in all a great opportunity. I have made some great new friends, more contacts and I think many of the rest of our staff experienced the same.


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i wish i knew how to buy low and sell high.... i tend to buy low and then never let the items out of my grubby hands.....at least for rares that is.im a regular merchant of regular goods, my home shard is origin , i have a luna house but its so dead over there that i make 100 times the gold from my magencia vendor house on atlantic then i ever could on origin.and thats how i fill my purse to purchase rares.. i love origin and wouldnt leave it but if i relied upon it for obtaining rares i wouldnt have a tenth of what i have now, thats the problem with low population shards, and many of the people purchasing goods are from the home shard so it does beg to wonder if some of the lower populations would really benifit from a fest.i know if one wsa held on origin it would be a giant bust, there isnt the population to support it there would be a half dozen ppl from the shard and the rest would be visitors.yes its great to help the local economies but in some cases its a lost cause.