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[Selling] Nice 68 Month Account for UO Gold

  • Thread starter Visolara16
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0


Account would come completely blank. I'm just going to list the main skills on the account. The account is located on Catskills. As mentioned in the title the account is 68 months old. I haven't looked at all shards but the account has about 5-6 characters on different shards with 115 and 120 powerscrolls used on them. Account has UOassist

Character 1:
120 Anatomy
120 Archery
120 Bushido
120 Tactics
115 Healing
75 Chivalry

255 Stats

Character 2:
120 Eval Int.
120 Meditation
120 Necromancy
120 Spirit Speak
120 Resist Spells
115 Magery

25 Stat Scroll used

Character 3: (Has Blazed Hair)
120 Animal Lore
120 Eval Int.
120 Meditation
115 Magery
102.5 Taming
100 Resist

25 Stat scroll used

Character 4:
115 Blacksmith
100 Arms Lore
100 Fletching
100 Tinkering

** Note - Character 1 & 2 have Neon Colored Beards.
** Character 1, 2, and 3 are all packed with every faction arty you'll need.

If interested I'll only accept UO gold or items (Not really looking for items but will look at some elite pieces of armor and weapons.)

My ICQ is 442-332-256