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[News] Where did the EM(s) go?


Stupid Miner

Hello everyone, Event Moderator Aname and Autolycus here, just wanting to let you know, we haven’t forgotten about you!?! That is all…. :p

But a series of unfortunate events has occurred making it so both of us can’t be on a lot of the time, the last bit of November and the starting bit of December Aname had a very nasty flu, making him not even get out of bed. It really drained him out 100% so he has not been able to even look at his Computer Screen. Then there is Autolycus who well… If he can, will post in a separate message what his computer looks like and you will see why he has not been able to get into UO. Basically the system went down from over use. He has a CPU coming in the mail and will be setting back up as soon as possible. Aname is starting to get some Xmas event ideas so that there will be even more happening.

We have 2 for sure events that we will be doing and throughout December we will have a few special little treats now and then.

Sorry about the huge delay.
*Bows respectfully*

~Your EM

*(and this Reporter has Finals)