First you must travel The Royal City of Ter Mur, the fastest way there is to use the established Moongate system. Once there head for the Queens Palace (156.26S x 41.3W) that can be found in the central part of the city. Once there take the stairs upward till you find Queen Zhah of the gargoyles. Click on her to find out about the quest and what is required of you.
{The information is provided below for those who are interested:}
Greetings, adventurers,
As you know, my people have suffered the
incessant onslaught of the Void and its minions
for as long as Gargish history exists. Protecting
Ter Mur from darkness, and its desire to
consume the land completely, is a burden passed
down from one ruler to another upon ascension
to the throne. During my rule, I have been
more successful than my predecessors but, now,
I fear that the greatest evil both myself and
my people have ever faced is about to return.
Long ago, Ter Mur was assaulted by the most
formidable and horrid servant of the Void it had
ever faced. Called Scelestus the Defiler, this
daemon proved invincible to any weapons or spell
that was utilized against him. I was unable to
defeat him and was forced to imprison him
instead. Sadly, my own daughter was caught in
the spell and stands imprisoned next to the
daemon. It has been this way for a thousand
Years now.
I have received word that the isle which houses
the daemon, Athenaeum Isla, is once again
swarming with daemons. Based on the description
provided to me, I believe these are the minions
of the Defiler himself. They have no doubt
crawled out of the dark in anticipation of their
master's return. In truth, the prison I placed
him within will not last forever.
I ask that you journey to the southwestern
flight tower, adventurer, and head further
southwest towards the shore. Near the water's
edge, you will find an ancient teleport site which
will transport you to the isle. Once there, please
slay as many of these monsters as you can.
Additionally, please keep your eye out for any
documents that you may discover. This isle was
the former home of our Great Library and,
when it fell, not all of the documents and books
were able to be taken to the new location here
in the royal city.
Slay the beasts and return to me any
documents that you acquire.
Be careful and go with honor.
All of the following
Slay 10 minions of scelestus
Obtain Gargish Document - Challenge Rite
Obtain Gargish Document - Athenaeum Decree
Obtain Gargish Document - Letter from the King
Obtain Gargish Document - On the Void
Obtain Gargish Document - Shilaxrinar’s Memorial
Obtain Gargish Document - To the High Scholar
Obtain Gargish Document – To the High Broodmother
Obtain Gargish Document – Reply to the High Scholar
Obtain Gargish Document – Access to the Isle
Obtain Gargish Document – In Memory
From the palace you will travel South West till you pass a flight tower and then come upon the water’s edge. Follow the coastline till you see an old teleporter ring located at 164Nx47W. Step into the ring where you will be transport to the island west of where you started from.
Be warned now that the island is covered in Minions of Scelestus so be ready for anything when you arrive. Minion of Scelestus are a type of daemon that has very high hit points, very strong resists to Cold and Poison damage, lethal poisoning (120 skill), dismount ability and a breath attack. Your main quest objective is to get 10 confirmed kills on these monsters. Do not forget that you also have to loot the 10 desired gargish documents from their corpses. You must kill 10 of them and have all 10 pieces of the loot to complete the quest.
For those who fear of death while on the island there is an Ankh provided on the west side of the sandy area.
When you have completed the quest mark the items you collected as quest items and return to see Queen Zhah for your reward. The reward will be a tome titled “Chronicles of the Gargoyle Queen Volume I”. As of this time it is not known if this book will have a future use.
Many of you may have trouble trying to complete this quest alone so later this week we hope to have a shard wide event where we will go in force and help each other finish the quest together. Working together Catskills as a shard can do anything we want. If you are interested watch Stratics this week for the announced day and time to gather. From there we will walk through each step of the quest till hopefully everyone involved will have earned their book.

{The information is provided below for those who are interested:}

Greetings, adventurers,
As you know, my people have suffered the
incessant onslaught of the Void and its minions
for as long as Gargish history exists. Protecting
Ter Mur from darkness, and its desire to
consume the land completely, is a burden passed
down from one ruler to another upon ascension
to the throne. During my rule, I have been
more successful than my predecessors but, now,
I fear that the greatest evil both myself and
my people have ever faced is about to return.
Long ago, Ter Mur was assaulted by the most
formidable and horrid servant of the Void it had
ever faced. Called Scelestus the Defiler, this
daemon proved invincible to any weapons or spell
that was utilized against him. I was unable to
defeat him and was forced to imprison him
instead. Sadly, my own daughter was caught in
the spell and stands imprisoned next to the
daemon. It has been this way for a thousand
Years now.
I have received word that the isle which houses
the daemon, Athenaeum Isla, is once again
swarming with daemons. Based on the description
provided to me, I believe these are the minions
of the Defiler himself. They have no doubt
crawled out of the dark in anticipation of their
master's return. In truth, the prison I placed
him within will not last forever.
I ask that you journey to the southwestern
flight tower, adventurer, and head further
southwest towards the shore. Near the water's
edge, you will find an ancient teleport site which
will transport you to the isle. Once there, please
slay as many of these monsters as you can.
Additionally, please keep your eye out for any
documents that you may discover. This isle was
the former home of our Great Library and,
when it fell, not all of the documents and books
were able to be taken to the new location here
in the royal city.
Slay the beasts and return to me any
documents that you acquire.
Be careful and go with honor.
All of the following
Slay 10 minions of scelestus
Obtain Gargish Document - Challenge Rite
Obtain Gargish Document - Athenaeum Decree
Obtain Gargish Document - Letter from the King
Obtain Gargish Document - On the Void
Obtain Gargish Document - Shilaxrinar’s Memorial
Obtain Gargish Document - To the High Scholar
Obtain Gargish Document – To the High Broodmother
Obtain Gargish Document – Reply to the High Scholar
Obtain Gargish Document – Access to the Isle
Obtain Gargish Document – In Memory
From the palace you will travel South West till you pass a flight tower and then come upon the water’s edge. Follow the coastline till you see an old teleporter ring located at 164Nx47W. Step into the ring where you will be transport to the island west of where you started from.

Be warned now that the island is covered in Minions of Scelestus so be ready for anything when you arrive. Minion of Scelestus are a type of daemon that has very high hit points, very strong resists to Cold and Poison damage, lethal poisoning (120 skill), dismount ability and a breath attack. Your main quest objective is to get 10 confirmed kills on these monsters. Do not forget that you also have to loot the 10 desired gargish documents from their corpses. You must kill 10 of them and have all 10 pieces of the loot to complete the quest.

For those who fear of death while on the island there is an Ankh provided on the west side of the sandy area.

When you have completed the quest mark the items you collected as quest items and return to see Queen Zhah for your reward. The reward will be a tome titled “Chronicles of the Gargoyle Queen Volume I”. As of this time it is not known if this book will have a future use.
Many of you may have trouble trying to complete this quest alone so later this week we hope to have a shard wide event where we will go in force and help each other finish the quest together. Working together Catskills as a shard can do anything we want. If you are interested watch Stratics this week for the announced day and time to gather. From there we will walk through each step of the quest till hopefully everyone involved will have earned their book.