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[News] Trouble On the Waters: Wildlife at Risk

  • Thread starter Lady Mana
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0

Lady Mana

Trouble on the Waters

Queen Dawn had been queen for only minutes when trouble hit. Queen Zhah had stopped by to congratulate her on her coronation - and to ask for help. Queen Dawn reviewed her notes from her meeting with Queen Zhah. Undead aquatic animals.... It didn't make sense. Disease? Magic gone awry? Right now only Ter Mur was affected - and she'd like to keep it that way. The two queens had decided to mount a joint expedition headed by Maya Demeter the queen's newly appointed royal naturalist and Gorn, Queen Zhah's minister of commerce assistant to find out what was happening. Queen Dawn had a bad feeling they would need more help...

Greetings citizens! Recent events have unfolded, and an expedition is being mounted to investigate strange happenings to the aquatic life in Ter Mur which is affecting their commerce and food supply. Fishers and fighters are required!

Please meet Maya Demeter at 7 PM PST Thursday (11/5) at the fountain in the Royal City at the market area (a gate will be provided from the Ter Mur moongate to location).

Lady Mana

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Glorious Lord
Bring runes to mark for sure. Who knows!!!

Salya Sin

Well... seeing as how it is in Ter Mur... no boats. Last time I tried EVERYWHERE in Ter Mur to place a boat... it kept saying you can't place this here. I was trying to get to that island to the southwest that gargoyles can apparently fly to. I even tried every dock... no luck. Maybe they have fixed it/changed it?

I'm not sure how this is going to work with undead aquatic life... and no way to get to them. Guess we'll see eh?