The sly and tricky little orange man, known as Farmer Jack. Invited citizens from around the Realm to play a little game he likes to call, Puzzlin' Pumpkin Patch!
Puzzlin' Pumpkin Patch
"Da way it works is dis...
One at o' time I bring ya into da Pumpkin Patch. One pumpkin in each set will advance ye closer to da scarecrow. The other three will be takin into da giant pumpkin o'death. It be awfully dangerous down there. Ye best bet is to run through and get to the exit gate at the end. Which will bring ye back here. Don't go tryin to fight da bad guys Dey got nothin on em, as far as treasure goes. Da only treasure be at da end o'da patch. Each time someone solves da puzzle, I be shiftin the order around.
Make it to da scarecrow at da end And ye can get your very own Pumpkin Carin' Kit!"
After many attempts to figure out the sequence, Demon Slayer [VIPs] was the first one to solve the puzzle and claim one of many, Farmer Jack's Pumpkin Carving Kit - Happy Halloween Chesapeake 2010.
Once the puzzle was solved, Farmer Jack shuffled the pumpkins around and a new sequence was put into place. Many players watched and took notes in hopes of figuring out the sequence, in case the person in the pumpkin patch failed.
And if they did fail........
The pumpkin swallowed them whole and sent them crashing into the huge Pumpkin O'death!!! Little pests that you would normally not hesitate to use a fly swatter on, were now massive attacking monsters! Some thought they were fast enough to get away, but just when they felt safe, they began sinking into the pumpkin guts! It was like something straight out of a nightmare! Some made it out alive.....some did not....
*Spooky Hand Movements*
After everyone was given a chance to solve the pumpkin sequence, Jack crawled into the pumpkin and left the crowed wanting more....