Deep within a tangled jungle of serpents, the wizened Glinmiali, of the Eight of the Circle of the Zanthes, brought up an arrow shaft to her eye as she carefully lined up the fletching. Rest came only for moments, of late, and it was her turn to stand guard while her sister, Queen Elevere of the Zanthes, caught fitful, guarded slumber while it was to be had. The medic station set up near Creoso A'baramin was extremely helpful, but that moongate never seemed to close, never seemed to weary.
Another arrow ready. The stack seemed endless, but it might last but a single assault, perhaps two, then it would be time to begin again. Did this cycle have an end? Whatever end it held, surrender was not on the table!
The moongate shuddered and shadows breached its mists.
Here we go again. Glinmiali roused her sister and the Zanthes clan sprang out into combat.
In what was one of the bloodiest days in the mercenary invasions yet, new attacks sprang up against Elf Clan Zanthes, Dawn, the Girl Scouts and Covenant of the Dark Moon.
Edith, Scout Leader of Baja's Girl Scout Troop #1, submitted the following report of their invasion:
Tonight we were attacked again! The mercenaries had attacked with a stronger force but when the call for help was sent out many good people responded. For that we would like to thank each and every one of you.
It was only until after the battle that someone noticed that our cookie message to the mercenaries was changed! The photo shows the message that the mercenaries sent back to us. (Editor's note: The message reads, "Give Up".) But we decided the best thing to do was to eat it! So everyone who helped us ate their message!
Thanks to all who continue to resist the relentless forces from the moongates. But the mercenaries press on....