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[News] TC1 Has Been Updated


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wiki Moderator
Posted to <a target="_blank" href=http://www.uoherald.com/news/>uoherald.com:</a><blockquote><span class=osi></p>

<font size=+1> TC1 Has Been Updated </br></font> <font size=-1>Jeremy Dalberg </font>
08 Feb 2008 18:07:24

Test Center 1 has been updated with the following </p>

The changes to Strangle from the previous test build have been removed</p>

Fixed an exploit where Champ Spawns can be guardwhacked</p>

Fixed an issue where only one pitcher of milk (of two) worked for Chocolatiering</p>

Fixed an issue in crafting using runic tools for damage increase</p></blockquote>



thats right. strangle doesnt need a buff!


Oh my. That's an impressive response time.

A long-standing champ luring bug fixed and a strangle buff removed in response to player concerns. Within about 2 days.


-Galen's player


such a short, but awesome list

very quick turnaround on the DI fix and a nice fix for a long-standing exploit. Very cool...


i still dont get why people would complain unless they're too lazy to play chiv dexxers or to stock up on apples. either you stay strangled or you don't, one tick at 120 necro wasn't going to change all that much.



i still dont get why people would complain unless they're too lazy to play chiv dexxers or to stock up on apples. either you stay strangled or you don't, one tick at 120 necro wasn't going to change all that much.

[/ QUOTE ]

"Too lazy" to play a particular template? Or to "stock up" on a particular item that's of limited value due to its timer?

The argument, I think, is that there was this pretty powerful spell that can basically only be countered by a particular item, or a particular template. And now they were gonna make it MORE powerful.

Having said that, I really doubt there would've been a difference on the field. At least not much of one.

But it sent the wrong message to take a powerful thing that is already difficult to counter and make it moreso, even if only slightly.

And it sends the right message that they were willing to back off from that, and in short order to boot..

-Galen's player

Sam the Scribe

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

...Fixed an issue where only one pitcher of milk (of two) worked for Chocolatiering...

[/ QUOTE ]

Excellent, not only will this foil the choco-scripters but the dairy farmers will get a nice boost in revenue! Woot!

*removes tongue from cheek*

Safe travels, Sam



i still dont get why people would complain unless they're too lazy to play chiv dexxers or to stock up on apples. either you stay strangled or you don't, one tick at 120 necro wasn't going to change all that much.

[/ QUOTE ]

Its the principle of the matter. I agree completly that 1 tick is hardly noteworthy but there is no reason to increase that spells length even by that small amount. I am very glad the Devs noticed so quickly. EXCELLENT responce time.

If you like the Strangle Spell how it is now, well something is just wrong up top

The spell lasts wayyyyy to long, if it was cut in half it would be REASONABLE


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
you really need to learn to play instead of screamming bloody murder all over stratics

GG you got a bug fix for necros reversed LOL @ EA


GalenKnighthawke, if I don't respond to you it's because you're on my ignore list. Timmy, I'm just wondering, what kind of char do you play? I mean it seems like for the people who complain, you all won't be happy until there is a Petal you can eat to avoid strangle, like they made for the Poison spell. I'm just curious what template needs so much help, unless you are concerned about PvM...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Fixed an issue in crafting using runic tools for damage increase

[/ QUOTE ]




And it sends the right message that they were willing to back off from that, and in short order to boot..

-Galen's player

[/ QUOTE ]

I dont think that the message shown is the right one if they are willing to reverse a fix to something that was broken because some people didnt like it.

The right message would be to have everything working how it should be and if the strange spell really is overpowered then change the way it is supposed to work.


*Nods*, I imagine they just reverted that change to bide a little time. "Yeah we're concerned about balance and while taking a quick glance at Strangle, the only bug we found was an improper timer if the player was at max skills. We've fixed it and will look into other possible balance issues when time permits"

Players: "blah blah blah, it's freaking overpowered and you give it a buff. lame son of a pig farmer! It'll do a whole 3-4 more damage if a Legendary Necro casts it!!!"

Dev: *looks around* "well, we do have a PvP publish planned next year... *reverts*"

Sorry, lol. I'm bored and sleep deprived. :p




And it sends the right message that they were willing to back off from that, and in short order to boot..

-Galen's player

[/ QUOTE ]

I dont think that the message shown is the right one if they are willing to reverse a fix to something that was broken because some people didnt like it.

The right message would be to have everything working how it should be and if the strange spell really is overpowered then change the way it is supposed to work.

[/ QUOTE ]

It could also be percieved as overpowered because after hitting you with it, the necro is hitting you with a highly overpowered weapon. Notice how the number of mages is steadily decreasing and the number of archers/dexxers is steadily increasing?

I would guess there's a reason for that...



GalenKnighthawke, if I don't respond to you it's because you're on my ignore list. Timmy, I'm just wondering, what kind of char do you play? I mean it seems like for the people who complain, you all won't be happy until there is a Petal you can eat to avoid strangle, like they made for the Poison spell. I'm just curious what template needs so much help, unless you are concerned about PvM...

[/ QUOTE ]

I play several different characters. (and no im not talking about pvm) I have necros, and i have characters with 4/6 chiv. I have characters with neither of those I can say from all the stand points, because I have all the different characters that Strangle isn't balance at all.

Espessially versus a mage that doesnt have chivalry in his/her template. So if you want an exact example of what i dont like. its being disrupted by a spell for 22 seconds while trying to cast on a mage.

Picture trying to res a guildmate, but you have to wait X amount of seconds for strangle to wear off, because its too slow of a spell to cast between the ticks.

Thats just one example of why this spell needs an overhaul. I could go on for days...

Im guessing you play some sort of dexxer that doesn't have to deal with getting disrupted or play with chivalry in your template


Use protection.

Then you won't be interrupted by anything.

You give up some physical resistance, but mages should never have 70 anyways.

Leather armour being as good as plate is the problem, not strangle.




Its the principle of the matter. I agree completly that 1 tick is hardly noteworthy but there is no reason to increase that spells length even by that small amount. I am very glad the Devs noticed so quickly. EXCELLENT responce time.

If you like the Strangle Spell how it is now, well something is just wrong up top

The spell lasts wayyyyy to long, if it was cut in half it would be REASONABLE

[/ QUOTE ]

Hehe all im gonna say is "blood oath" its a curse, but cant be removed via apple or remove curse...



Use protection.

Then you won't be interrupted by anything.

You give up some physical resistance, but mages should never have 70 anyways.

Leather armour being as good as plate is the problem, not strangle.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree on the armor thing, but protection in pvp?