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[News] Summerfest 2011 Regatta Results


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ahoy Land Lubbers!
Last evening (18th of June 2011) the final official competition event of Summerfest 2011 took place, and it was the Regatta Ship Race. Originally the official race was from a point south west of Vespers straight south to go counter clock wise around the island of Buccaneer’s Den and back to the starting area for the finish. Unfortunately due to some complications a few alternate race plans were considered before settling for a race straight to the Buccaneer’s Den docks.

The starting line was moved farther from shore once again due to unforeseen complications, and the race was officially started. {This was a shame because EM Adris had planned a breathtaking fireworks display to start the race.} This poor reporter wishes he could share tales of ships battling it out for the lead with the salty sea air whipping around us, but I cannot. Soon after the start the ship that I had requisitioned a ride on to cover the race ran into the blackest fog bank and soon lost sight of the other ships. Once we cleared this bank we sailed as fast as we could to Buccaneer’s Den arriving before some of the other racers but long after the first ship had come into port.

EM’s Barnaby and Adris waited till all the ships had arrived before announcing the top three racers. Coming in third was Lord Baudwin Wulf [MOP], Coming in at second place was Dante [T*A], and the winner of the Regatta Ship Race was….. Lord Zylo [T*A].

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EM Barnaby requested we remind everyone that there will be a short ceremony today (19th of June 2011) for the closing of Summerfest 2011. It will take place at the Fairgrounds at 5:30 EST and the winners of all the events will be recognized. Each will have an engraved item placed in the EM rewards Hall in their name for everyone to see.

EM Barnaby also hinted that there will be a traditional Brittannian Holiday at the end of the month, and drinking is a part of it. So we have yet another thing to look forward to.