As part of our planned upgrades and other assorted cool stuffs we have workin', we're happy to share a preview of our new front page design. This note from Den Dragon, Stratics founder:
"We are proud to present a preview of the new direction Stratics is taking in terms of our central site's design and layout. As you may notice, internal content pages and news articles will still be utilizing our older design, until such time as we have all content (excluding network sites) migrated over to the new format.
Our sincere hope is that you enjoy this new approach toward functionality and presentation - and that our further updates meet with your satisfaction as well.
Note: There may be some issues resulting from viewing the site through certain browsers. If you notice any sort of strange happenings or funkiness with the page's appearance - such as bats flying out of your computer screen, or Jessica Simpson appearing at random on the page - please send a note including details of the problems experienced to: [email protected]. Thank you for your patience as this transition takes place!"
Our sincere hope is that you enjoy this new approach toward functionality and presentation - and that our further updates meet with your satisfaction as well.
Note: There may be some issues resulting from viewing the site through certain browsers. If you notice any sort of strange happenings or funkiness with the page's appearance - such as bats flying out of your computer screen, or Jessica Simpson appearing at random on the page - please send a note including details of the problems experienced to: [email protected]. Thank you for your patience as this transition takes place!"