[SIZE=+1]Ultima Online Stratics Weekly Announcement: [/SIZE]

- New items for Tinkers, Basket Weaving
- Something long awaited Pet Resurrection by NPC
- Although we realise this information might change, we offer you the Imbuing Ingredients Table Painstakingly constructed for us by Ailisha. Thank you.
- A few of the inhabitants of Ter Mur have found their way into Hunter's Guide
For anyone who missed it, the UO Stratics House of Commons Chat transcript can be found here
We will be adding more SA content as soon as we can. Submissions from beta testers will be most welcome. Please send submissions to [email protected], [email protected], or send a pm to Petra Fyde. You don't have to write a full page
- Tell me what's out of date, and how to fix it.
- Tell me what links are broken
- Tell me what's so out of date it should be archived.
I'm listening!