Von Trisnic Strikes Again!
The biweekly meeting of the leadership of the various player run cities and towns of Chesapeake took a frightening turn this past Wednesday as a perpetual plot unfolded well into the night. The nights meet filled with politics and projects new and old was thought to have a pleasant and welcome service from would be waitstaff serving food and ale. Several banquet servers mulled about the room taking care of attendees. As the meeting drew near its end however, sinister actions would soon take place.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1] In a cloud of narcotic confusion, the chambers quickly filled incapacitating those therein as a magical portal pierced the room allowing those loyal to chaos to abduct the Royal Ambassador Talia Zodok! Chaos ensued as Royal Guards struggled in vain to protect the Ambassador. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]Beleaguered and woozy from the effects of the gas several managed to reach the portal Scarlet Von Trisnic and her minions escaped through. The portal led those brave warriors to the Brigand Camp north of Gyldenfeld, where Talia was shackeled like a criminal. The walls protected and gates magically sealed, none could break it's barriers. [/SIZE]
With forces loyal to throne mounting in the area, Von Trisnic soon summoned forces of her own to wage war against those who would see her plan foiled. Skirmishes ensued with Royal forces winning the fight until Von Trisnic herself leveled the field transforming into the most horrific beast this reporter has bore witness to since the coming of the Crimson Dragon. Upon it's arrival, the Queen's loyal subjects would soon flee to Britain where Commander Drake Foxx was spotted and assessed the situation. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]What conieving plot does Scarlet Von Trisnic unfold for us now? Only time will tell. In the meantime, those responsible for helping the evil Von Trisnic will surely been hunted, like the foul mindless minions they are. Justice will surely be swift and without prejudice. This reporter remembers merely a few of those involved, the narcotic gas strong and potent on my memory. Stay tuned for further reports! [/SIZE]
Von Trisnic Strikes Again!
The biweekly meeting of the leadership of the various player run cities and towns of Chesapeake took a frightening turn this past Wednesday as a perpetual plot unfolded well into the night. The nights meet filled with politics and projects new and old was thought to have a pleasant and welcome service from would be waitstaff serving food and ale. Several banquet servers mulled about the room taking care of attendees. As the meeting drew near its end however, sinister actions would soon take place.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1] In a cloud of narcotic confusion, the chambers quickly filled incapacitating those therein as a magical portal pierced the room allowing those loyal to chaos to abduct the Royal Ambassador Talia Zodok! Chaos ensued as Royal Guards struggled in vain to protect the Ambassador. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]Beleaguered and woozy from the effects of the gas several managed to reach the portal Scarlet Von Trisnic and her minions escaped through. The portal led those brave warriors to the Brigand Camp north of Gyldenfeld, where Talia was shackeled like a criminal. The walls protected and gates magically sealed, none could break it's barriers. [/SIZE]
With forces loyal to throne mounting in the area, Von Trisnic soon summoned forces of her own to wage war against those who would see her plan foiled. Skirmishes ensued with Royal forces winning the fight until Von Trisnic herself leveled the field transforming into the most horrific beast this reporter has bore witness to since the coming of the Crimson Dragon. Upon it's arrival, the Queen's loyal subjects would soon flee to Britain where Commander Drake Foxx was spotted and assessed the situation. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]What conieving plot does Scarlet Von Trisnic unfold for us now? Only time will tell. In the meantime, those responsible for helping the evil Von Trisnic will surely been hunted, like the foul mindless minions they are. Justice will surely be swift and without prejudice. This reporter remembers merely a few of those involved, the narcotic gas strong and potent on my memory. Stay tuned for further reports! [/SIZE]