
Meets Queen Zhah
September 23, 2009
In Attendance:
Panoramix [Qc], Tristan, Lady Jazz [RBG], Tila Tequila, Cara
Lord Drakemore [RBG], Aluric Korath [DWxC], Niva The Savage [T_T]
Savaric [DWxC], Phoenix [DWxC], Purple Haze, Rivi Ravenwynd [SHE]
Hudson [DWxC], Zelda of Zed [SHE], Belle of Zed [SHE], Lycanthropy [SHE]
Tigger [SHE], Daktari Zinn [SHE], Naomie De'Layne [SHE], Jack Sparrow
TAMINGdeSHRE [TNP], Kyxx Kiena [KFC], Patience Mafrend [TEB],
Light of Day [DWxC], Cheever [K~S], Lady Brinna [RBG], Mortis [KFC],
madshark [OATH], Yoshi [DWxC], Makdopest [SHOT], C MAC [OATH],
Catfish [OATH], Lady Eilvan, Necro of Evil [OATH]
The group gathered in the Throne room awaiting to arrival of the Queen
of the Gargoyles. As time passed small talk was made to see if the Queen
Dawn was married, had children and who her tailor was. CharGar kept
the waiting crowd occupied with these questions for the Queen. Then
Queen Dawn asked for everyone to gather at the Britain moongate. Everyone
went and stood around for a bit longer until the Queen Zhah appeared. Dawn
welcomed her and Zhah had brought a gift for the people of our world.
She connected the moongates between our world and the underworld. Ter
Mur is now accessible through the moongates.

More small talk was made then everyone was gated back to the castle
for a more formal meeting between the two Queens.
The Gargoyle Queen Thanked Queen Dawn for the hospitality
Dawn responded saying she Embraces her people with open arms
and wish they visit her land.
Zhah Offered the same to her people. A hope of an era of cooperation
and prosperity between our lands and races and offer to thy people
the knowledge of the gargoyle race in all things now and forever.
Dawn offered her a room to stay in since she seemed tired.
The Zhah accepted. Tomorrow they will see how security is
and have a party. So keep your eyes open on the event
announcers and information scrolls.