Part 3 of EM Seppo’s Valentine’s Day Event – Bard Contest
By WildStar
The third part of EM Seppo’s Valentine’s Day Event started at 3:00 PM PST on Saturday, February 21st, 2009 at the Skara Brae Faire Grounds in Trammel. EM Seppo kindly provided a gate from his office to there.
EM Seppo provided a brief summary of the events leading up to this gathering and made an announcement regarding a change to the distribution of rewards at EM Events. He then put the entries on display in bags near the back of the stage and vanished. A short time later, Lady Aino Nystad and Kemer the Royal Guard appeared on the stage.
Lady Aino spoke to the audience and made two important announcements. The first was regarding her decision to accept Lord Casca’s offer of the Captain of the Royal Guard job.
Aino Nystad: “One of the first things I did was to bring up the issue of Dawn, Avalon, and other kingdoms. Lord Casca agreed to appoint a special emissary to carry on the negotiations on his behalf.”
The next one was the appointment of Trubo Saius who came up to speak to the crowd. He started to speak but started to stutter and then clutched his throat. It took a few minutes for him recover.
Below is a transcript of what Trubo Saius said and the events that happened:
Trubo Saius: *bows deeply* My name is Trubo Saius, special emissary on behalf of our glorious King Casca,
Kemer the Royal Guard: *mutters under his breath*
Trubo Saius: and it is with his voice that I speak, and his authority that I command. Lord C-Casca h-has
Kemer the Royal Guard: *sees the orc*
Trubo Saius: *stutters for a moment his expression blank*
Kemer the Royal Guard: *grins widely* *does nothing*
Trubo Saius: *clutches something around his neck for a few moments*
Trubo Saius: L-lord.. *releases his hold, his eyes refocusing on the crowd* Excuse me..*clears his throat*
Aino Nystad: *frowns*
Trubo Saius: Lord Casca believes his words must be brought closer. He believes his purpose must be made clear. To you all, I am that clarity that you seek.
Trubo Saius: I will say more after the show.
Aino Nystad: *nods*
Trubo Saius: *nods to Aino* *exits the stage*
Lady Aino also updated the crowd on the status of William’s recovery.
She then moved on to the Bard Contest. There were five entries but only four of poets were able to recite them for the performance part of the event. The poets are Arya – To the Sky, Fern Goodfellow – Seppo’s Song, Lorien – A song of love, Nicholas the Old – The Song of Raimo and Octavia – Key to the Sky.
The poets were asked to stand up and moved to the front of the stage. Lady Aino appeared to be confused on the gender of two of the elven contestants and Kemer and the audience did their best to gently correct her.
Lady Aino called on the poets one-by-one to recite their works. First was Fern Goodfellow, followed by Lorien, then Octavia and finally Nicholas the Old.
After they were done, Lady Aino bowed to the poets and thanked them for their excellent work. They were then asked to enter a gate to receive their reward. All returned and Lady Aino announced the reward.
There are copies of the entries at Lady Aino’s Residence with the walls of Castle British in Britain Trammel.
More pictures of the tour can be found on Photobucket under Part 3 EM Event – Bard Contest.
Thank you for your coverage Lady Wildstar!!