New Attacks in Luna
Luna Bank, Malas
March 23, 2010
New assault creatures has descended upon the Luna bank yesterday
afternoon and into the late evening. Miasma which can normally be
found in Labyrinth Dungeon seemed to be the leading force in the attack.
The city of Luna was thought to be safe after the assassination of Lady
Jessica during her trial at the Yew High Courts. We are unsure at this time
if their are two Jessicas and the one responsible is still at large or if
someone else is behind the attacks.
Based off of recent messages sent by Ozog of Pitmuck it is a good
chance that the Jessica they attempted to capture is still at large.
"Ozog has gone off to be alone. He is beside himself that he contributed to
the demise of an innocent (Lady Jessica) Who knows when he shall be
back?? He is seeking a goblin oracle who has not been seen in centuries."
With Luna City so vulnerable to attacks we can only hope that the Royal
Guard Volunteer Reserve Unit, can offer protection within the city limits.
Guard applications will be held on March 24 at 9pm ET by Chief Detective
Sheffield at Lord British Castle .
Luna Bank, Malas
March 23, 2010

New assault creatures has descended upon the Luna bank yesterday
afternoon and into the late evening. Miasma which can normally be
found in Labyrinth Dungeon seemed to be the leading force in the attack.
The city of Luna was thought to be safe after the assassination of Lady
Jessica during her trial at the Yew High Courts. We are unsure at this time
if their are two Jessicas and the one responsible is still at large or if
someone else is behind the attacks.
Based off of recent messages sent by Ozog of Pitmuck it is a good
chance that the Jessica they attempted to capture is still at large.
"Ozog has gone off to be alone. He is beside himself that he contributed to
the demise of an innocent (Lady Jessica) Who knows when he shall be
back?? He is seeking a goblin oracle who has not been seen in centuries."
With Luna City so vulnerable to attacks we can only hope that the Royal
Guard Volunteer Reserve Unit, can offer protection within the city limits.
Guard applications will be held on March 24 at 9pm ET by Chief Detective
Sheffield at Lord British Castle .