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[News] "Mr. Saturday Night Special"


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As the main lyrics go,

"Mr.Saturday night special
Got a barrel that's blue and cold
Ain't no good for nothin'
But put a man six feet in a hole"

I want to thank Captain Caveman, Chase, their guildmates from Tomb along with their friends from BoE and MC*B for a well rounded night of fun Saturday night. What started out with boredom turned into a tour of the Abyss starting with the Stygian Dragon and as usual, a collection of many death robes for me....yes, six feet in a hole x's ummm, twelve?

I've met the dragon before, felt it's heated lair and stared into cold dark eyes before it turned my world gray. I hoped this time to see it's defeat and was not disappointed when Chase invited me and Nathan to join them. We succeeded twice before we went on to poke fun at the Slasher of Veil. I could not tell you which was more fun, trying to survive multiple hits with literal lines of fire from the dragon or the Slasher.

After the Slasher of Veil was conquered, someone had the grand idea of hitting up the Champ area. Knowing it's a Fel ruleset, I was anxious to give it a shot. I always fully expect to be raided so I make sure to line my pockets with gold and shinies to make the simple task of killing me seem more worth it *winks*

The faction TB waited until the last spawn level before the typical red rage stormed in and took over. Not the fastest girl on a horse, I could not keep up with my party and scurried over to the side of the mountain to wait them out. Reepacheap of WoR took a beating as well as taking a few TB out but in the end TB would walk away with the champ scrolls. I piddled around a bit, picked up their dropped 105 powerscrolls and went on my way home.

It was not a typical Saturday night for me and those are the best kind, running into random players for a random night of death and fun. Thanks again guys!


Was alot of fun! That was my first time with the Stygian dragon and my first time playing my archer on LS in about 2 months.....so thanks for all the rezzes,lol. Wish I`da had more time to continue on with ya guys after the dragon died,looks like a great time was had.

Thanks! :D

Cephiroth / MC*B


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
great pics looks like a blast!