Ultima Online Stratics Weekly Announcement:

Stygian Abyss is upon us, and we didn't get the site updated. However the work goes on, this week's new and updated items include:
- A new, comprehensive guide to Cooking
- The first chapter in, Sirideain's Fictional History of Britannia
- More SA images added to Hunter's Guide bringing the total number of new images added to 225 - thanks again to Stupid Miner for his camera work.
Also we have a special UO Stratics House of Commons Chat on Wednesday, August 19th, 2009 at 7pm eastern US time. The topic will be "SA Content: Open Beta Questions" Information on how to connect to irc can be found by following the link under the 'Stratics Central' heading on http://uo.stratics.com or by clicking here
We will be adding SA content as soon as we get the green light. Submissions from beta testers bursting to 'tell all' will be most welcome . Please send submissions to [email protected], [email protected], or send a pm to Petra Fyde.