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[News] Just an update


Stupid Miner

Hello everybody! Just wanted to let everyone know some news, good or bad first? Bad it is :)

Well Firstly I am unable to get a way to make the bag art accessible to the public and still maintain form. I have made a nice copy of the art, however If someone drags an Item, putting it on the top level, a lot of the art will be destroyed. So I am going to create reward plaques in the place of the art, and send a copy to our shard reporters to post up on stratics if possible :) [Also If I have your bag then I will return it to you before the weekend :) ]

More bad news again. Auto’s computer has been a bit…. dead to be honest, which is why our events have slowed down this month, I am sorry about falling behind when he gets a new computer, we will be flinging all these backed up event every chance we get (well maintaining the quality of the event, and ideal times for the shard)

I will also, by tomorrow night, have information on two events up on the site, presuming I do not get hit by a bus for a turkey tries to eat me….

Anyways that is just a little update for you all to know how things are going.

~Your wonderfully and dashingly good looking EMs ;)
