[SIZE=+1] Jessica Found Guilty! Poisoned in the Court! Judge Murdered!
Citizens of the realm breathed a sigh of relief in past weeks as the seemingly evil Jessica was apprehended in the orc forts and transported to the confines of the Yew Courts prison. Official charges were submitted as a judge and jury of her peers were selected to hear this case. Thursdays eve brought much more than the witch hunt many expected.
The court room was merely half full as the trial got underway. The charges were read as Lady Jessica was accused of crimes against the goblin race, attacks on the city of Luna, kidnapping, among other lesser charges involved in the commission of said acts of treachery. Opening remarks were then heard as special prosecutor Mesanna plead her case and Lady Elaina the counsel for the defense.
Many witnesses were called to testify on the ongoings of the evil Jessica and her Frost Troll minions. Among those called were Ozog, Lydia, and Ido of the Pitmuck. Lady Tatiana, who was also confined to those nasty little goblin cages we all saw in Luna's temple. Char Gar and even Governor Winfield found himself on the stand testifying to his relations with the Pitmuck. Alas Lady Jessica took the stand in her own defense. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1] As the witnesses testified the case against Jessica became almost clouded with doubt as many were led to believe by the defense that it was not Lady Jessica who had commited these atrosities but her two year older "twin" sister the Temptress. Her counsel portaying her as a well to do chef amongst the realm. Neither side had convinced this reporter of an open and shut case as the closing arguements were heard. The death of Temptress could not be confirmed nor could the defenses arguement that it must be her committing these acts of violence against the realm. Reminded of the facts and eye witness reports from those who lived through the attacks and abductions the jury was dismissed to decide her guilt or innocence.
After hours of deliberation the jury emerged from its chambers with Ben of MIST elected as the jury foreman. The judge ordered the foreman to read thier verdict and with a majority vote found Lady Jessica GUILTY! A roar of applause could be heard from those looking on in the court as fireworks and cheers were aplenty. Stunned by the verdict, Lady Jessica slumped in her chair as the judge ordered her taken away by the courts Baliff Delta Butch. When he arrived aside her however is when things took a turn for the worse.....
Looking faint from a distance perhaps the realms worst fears were soon realized as Lady Jessica collapsed to the floor gasping her last breaths of life as puzzled onlookers knew not what to do. The judge and baliff rushing to see whats happened declared her dead then and there but could tell not what had fallen the accused. The judge ordered the court area cleared and summoned the famed Detective Sheffield to investigate what transpired. Upon his arrival he carefully inspected the scene and found that Lady Jessica had met her demise by being poisoned sometime during the proceedings! Immediately eyes turned to the only two with physical contact to the accused the counsel themselves! Earlier in the nights proceedings Prosecutor Mesanna had attempted to disprove a medical document offered by the defense to the allergence to "Ice Cream Products" sealed and authenticated by the Yew Apocathary. Was this the possible cause of death? Sheffield continued to investigate to find that her water very well could have been poisoned as a posion scroll was sighted in the vacinty as well.
Detective Shefflield began to question both counsel as chaos soon erupted. Special Prosecutor Mesanna under direct questioning from Sheffield soon admitted her own act of treachery in ensuring the death sentence of one Lady Jessica! With Sheffields conclusion drawn Judge Blackmoore orderd Mesanna apprehended! Turning to the judge Mesanna spoke near silent words, words of such power this realm had not seen. The judge was fallen in the blink of an eye! The judge now murdered in the middle of the court itself Mesanna let out an evil cackle as she made her hasty exit into the night. Unable to stop her escape, the decree of capture has been issued for this evil femme fatale. Sightings should be reported immediately to Detective Sheffied.
Was justice served this eve? Or perhaps the ever unwinding twists of fate has led us upon a new evil lurking in the shadows. Stay tuned as more is sure to come........[/SIZE]
Citizens of the realm breathed a sigh of relief in past weeks as the seemingly evil Jessica was apprehended in the orc forts and transported to the confines of the Yew Courts prison. Official charges were submitted as a judge and jury of her peers were selected to hear this case. Thursdays eve brought much more than the witch hunt many expected.
The court room was merely half full as the trial got underway. The charges were read as Lady Jessica was accused of crimes against the goblin race, attacks on the city of Luna, kidnapping, among other lesser charges involved in the commission of said acts of treachery. Opening remarks were then heard as special prosecutor Mesanna plead her case and Lady Elaina the counsel for the defense.
Many witnesses were called to testify on the ongoings of the evil Jessica and her Frost Troll minions. Among those called were Ozog, Lydia, and Ido of the Pitmuck. Lady Tatiana, who was also confined to those nasty little goblin cages we all saw in Luna's temple. Char Gar and even Governor Winfield found himself on the stand testifying to his relations with the Pitmuck. Alas Lady Jessica took the stand in her own defense. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1] As the witnesses testified the case against Jessica became almost clouded with doubt as many were led to believe by the defense that it was not Lady Jessica who had commited these atrosities but her two year older "twin" sister the Temptress. Her counsel portaying her as a well to do chef amongst the realm. Neither side had convinced this reporter of an open and shut case as the closing arguements were heard. The death of Temptress could not be confirmed nor could the defenses arguement that it must be her committing these acts of violence against the realm. Reminded of the facts and eye witness reports from those who lived through the attacks and abductions the jury was dismissed to decide her guilt or innocence.
After hours of deliberation the jury emerged from its chambers with Ben of MIST elected as the jury foreman. The judge ordered the foreman to read thier verdict and with a majority vote found Lady Jessica GUILTY! A roar of applause could be heard from those looking on in the court as fireworks and cheers were aplenty. Stunned by the verdict, Lady Jessica slumped in her chair as the judge ordered her taken away by the courts Baliff Delta Butch. When he arrived aside her however is when things took a turn for the worse.....
Looking faint from a distance perhaps the realms worst fears were soon realized as Lady Jessica collapsed to the floor gasping her last breaths of life as puzzled onlookers knew not what to do. The judge and baliff rushing to see whats happened declared her dead then and there but could tell not what had fallen the accused. The judge ordered the court area cleared and summoned the famed Detective Sheffield to investigate what transpired. Upon his arrival he carefully inspected the scene and found that Lady Jessica had met her demise by being poisoned sometime during the proceedings! Immediately eyes turned to the only two with physical contact to the accused the counsel themselves! Earlier in the nights proceedings Prosecutor Mesanna had attempted to disprove a medical document offered by the defense to the allergence to "Ice Cream Products" sealed and authenticated by the Yew Apocathary. Was this the possible cause of death? Sheffield continued to investigate to find that her water very well could have been poisoned as a posion scroll was sighted in the vacinty as well.
Detective Shefflield began to question both counsel as chaos soon erupted. Special Prosecutor Mesanna under direct questioning from Sheffield soon admitted her own act of treachery in ensuring the death sentence of one Lady Jessica! With Sheffields conclusion drawn Judge Blackmoore orderd Mesanna apprehended! Turning to the judge Mesanna spoke near silent words, words of such power this realm had not seen. The judge was fallen in the blink of an eye! The judge now murdered in the middle of the court itself Mesanna let out an evil cackle as she made her hasty exit into the night. Unable to stop her escape, the decree of capture has been issued for this evil femme fatale. Sightings should be reported immediately to Detective Sheffied.
Was justice served this eve? Or perhaps the ever unwinding twists of fate has led us upon a new evil lurking in the shadows. Stay tuned as more is sure to come........[/SIZE]