House of Commons Meeting
Sunday August 14th, 2011
EM's Dudley and Drosslemeyer once again welcomed the realm to the weekly meet in Trammel last eve for open discussion and announcements for the upcoming weeks events here on Chesapeake. The following announcments were given concerning said events:
August 17th 6pm -10pm - "Feeling Crabby" Tournament window will open, ships will crab to thier hearts delight
in search of overall weight as well as single catch with the opportunity for warfare at sea
doubling this week with 8 possible pirate encounters worth 500 crab each!
August 18th 7pm - Sosarian Solstice Fair opens its doors with 3 events:
"Dress the Mascot" - Players will be placed into teams where they will attempt to form two
winning costumes for the fairs proprietors Dudley and Dross to dawn
while operating the fair.
"Bunnies Gone Bannanas" - One can only speculate on this one, bring your wabbit slayers....
"Wine and Spirits Expo" - Chance for local brewers and distillers to exhange and sample
products from about the realm.
August 21st 7pm - Fortune's Fire Casino - Unveils a new game very similar to slots this go round one in which the
crowd will surely enjoy. Not just for high rollers this games max bet is
9pm - House of Commons Meet - Regularly scheduled meet with shard EM Team immediately
following the casino events conclusion.
August 24th / 30th - Two events concerning the "Poseidons Fury" event arc are on the book however are subject
to change. Stay toon'd as Dudley would say for further information in the EM Forums.
The floor was opened for questions as not many offered anything this week. The question to updates of the feeling crabby tournament scoring was answered as the standings were updated on 7/24 and the question of wether or not a big spenders/ high rollers game would soon be offered at the Fortunes Fire Casino was responded to as it was still a work in progress. Join us for the next installment this coming Sunday and let your voice be heard concerning events about the realm.
Sunday August 14th, 2011
EM's Dudley and Drosslemeyer once again welcomed the realm to the weekly meet in Trammel last eve for open discussion and announcements for the upcoming weeks events here on Chesapeake. The following announcments were given concerning said events:
August 17th 6pm -10pm - "Feeling Crabby" Tournament window will open, ships will crab to thier hearts delight
in search of overall weight as well as single catch with the opportunity for warfare at sea
doubling this week with 8 possible pirate encounters worth 500 crab each!
August 18th 7pm - Sosarian Solstice Fair opens its doors with 3 events:
"Dress the Mascot" - Players will be placed into teams where they will attempt to form two
winning costumes for the fairs proprietors Dudley and Dross to dawn
while operating the fair.
"Bunnies Gone Bannanas" - One can only speculate on this one, bring your wabbit slayers....
"Wine and Spirits Expo" - Chance for local brewers and distillers to exhange and sample
products from about the realm.
August 21st 7pm - Fortune's Fire Casino - Unveils a new game very similar to slots this go round one in which the
crowd will surely enjoy. Not just for high rollers this games max bet is
9pm - House of Commons Meet - Regularly scheduled meet with shard EM Team immediately
following the casino events conclusion.
August 24th / 30th - Two events concerning the "Poseidons Fury" event arc are on the book however are subject
to change. Stay toon'd as Dudley would say for further information in the EM Forums.
The floor was opened for questions as not many offered anything this week. The question to updates of the feeling crabby tournament scoring was answered as the standings were updated on 7/24 and the question of wether or not a big spenders/ high rollers game would soon be offered at the Fortunes Fire Casino was responded to as it was still a work in progress. Join us for the next installment this coming Sunday and let your voice be heard concerning events about the realm.