Happy Holidays From Chesapeake
Homare-Jima, Tokuno Islands
December 21, 2009
Monday Night around 8:00pm the communities of Pitmuck, TKO, Kijustsu Anei
Village, Guardians Gate and Moria put on one of Chesapeakes largest Holiday
Tree Lighting Events. Attendance numbers were between 55 and 65 people,
making this the largest attended event ever held on Homare-Jima Island.
Citizens from around the shard and off shards began to gather around 7:00pm.
The events hosts attempted to keep people entertained that showed early.
Ozog of Pitmuck came early handing out ice cream. The Savages started the
snowball fights. The Winter Solstice Stag made an appearance handing out
cookies and other goods. Savages began to chase the stag to claim its
multicolor white fur.
The Winter Solstice Stag had other plans then just handing out gifts. The
stag could be seen licking ears, Eggnog, eating some good ice cream and more.
Angelica from Moria settlement in Felucca was hard at work setting up a
beautiful eating area and putting final touches on the food she would serve.
Everyone was directed to the lawn of the Blue Light Tavern for the feast.
The Winter Solstice came as well handing out cookies for desert to each
person in attendance. Decorated cakes by Angelica were handed out.
After dinner and all the cookies were handed out, Luna Rossa of the S@GE
guild was delivered a summoning spell from Ado The Theif. Luna Rossa then
waited for those in attendance to quiet down. After studying the spell she
noticed a few changes in it but figured they were done for a reason. Luna
Rossa then began casting the spell to summon Santa Clause to the area.
"This, the spirit of Christmas, that forever and ever endures.
We call upon you nowhar to join us and leave the richest of
blessings in our hearts today and always."
With the spell cast everyone waited for Santa to appear. To claim the gifts
they should get this year. Unfortunately the minor change made to the spell
summoned two Harbringers to the area!!! Humans, Savages and Goblins alike
jumped out of the stools and knocked over tables to gain higher ground.
After a moment of panic in some, they gathered together and beat back
the Harbringers!
(Yes this was planned. Thats why it was said to bring fighting armor.)
After the battle everyone seemed please. Casualties were a bit on the high
end but, healers quickly brought the ghosts back to life. People were given
a few minutes break to calm down. The event organizers alerted everyone
to run to the holday tree. EM Vladimere would appear to lite the top of it
ringing in the Holidays on Chesapeake.
Behind the scenes drama of lighting the tree
Once everyone was gathered a few minutes passed as the Torch had some
minor problems. EM Vladimere gave a ten second count down. The tree lite
up brightly and could be seen all the way to Britain. Everyone snapped pictures
and either said Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays or Happy Ho Ho. After about
five minutes of picture time everyone was ready to open gifts! The Goblins
came to the tree to help pass them out. Each person who brought a gift
was given a gift. Although we feel bad for whoever got stuck with the
Savage gift. Once that was complete the Goblins performed for everyone
singing Christmas Carols below the tree.
Special Thanks
Special Thanks to everyone who attended, making this the best Tree
Lighting event in history! Also let us not forget those responsible for
making this happen. Special thanks to Ozog and Pillow Pants for
orgainizing the Goblins to come and entertainment. Niva The Savage and
her Savage Tribe for the snowball fights. Angelica and Moria Settlement
for providing the Food and furniture. Angus and Guardians Gate for the
harbringers. Luna Rossa and her Sages for the Summoning spell and directing
traffic. EM Vladimere for lighting the tree. The Winter Solstice for passing
out gifts. Prowler of TKO and Gareth S@GE for decorating the Tree. Everyone
who brought gifts for the pressie exchange. Last but not least those behind
the scenes in ventrilo making sure everything went over smoothly.
Homare-Jima, Tokuno Islands
December 21, 2009

Monday Night around 8:00pm the communities of Pitmuck, TKO, Kijustsu Anei
Village, Guardians Gate and Moria put on one of Chesapeakes largest Holiday
Tree Lighting Events. Attendance numbers were between 55 and 65 people,
making this the largest attended event ever held on Homare-Jima Island.
Citizens from around the shard and off shards began to gather around 7:00pm.
The events hosts attempted to keep people entertained that showed early.
Ozog of Pitmuck came early handing out ice cream. The Savages started the
snowball fights. The Winter Solstice Stag made an appearance handing out
cookies and other goods. Savages began to chase the stag to claim its
multicolor white fur.
The Winter Solstice Stag had other plans then just handing out gifts. The
stag could be seen licking ears, Eggnog, eating some good ice cream and more.

Angelica from Moria settlement in Felucca was hard at work setting up a
beautiful eating area and putting final touches on the food she would serve.
Everyone was directed to the lawn of the Blue Light Tavern for the feast.
The Winter Solstice came as well handing out cookies for desert to each
person in attendance. Decorated cakes by Angelica were handed out.

After dinner and all the cookies were handed out, Luna Rossa of the S@GE
guild was delivered a summoning spell from Ado The Theif. Luna Rossa then
waited for those in attendance to quiet down. After studying the spell she
noticed a few changes in it but figured they were done for a reason. Luna
Rossa then began casting the spell to summon Santa Clause to the area.
"This, the spirit of Christmas, that forever and ever endures.
We call upon you nowhar to join us and leave the richest of
blessings in our hearts today and always."
With the spell cast everyone waited for Santa to appear. To claim the gifts
they should get this year. Unfortunately the minor change made to the spell
summoned two Harbringers to the area!!! Humans, Savages and Goblins alike
jumped out of the stools and knocked over tables to gain higher ground.
After a moment of panic in some, they gathered together and beat back
the Harbringers!

(Yes this was planned. Thats why it was said to bring fighting armor.)
After the battle everyone seemed please. Casualties were a bit on the high
end but, healers quickly brought the ghosts back to life. People were given
a few minutes break to calm down. The event organizers alerted everyone
to run to the holday tree. EM Vladimere would appear to lite the top of it
ringing in the Holidays on Chesapeake.
Behind the scenes drama of lighting the tree
Gareth: Vladimere where are you?
Vladimere: next to you. What do I do?
Gareth: Have you go to the top of the tree to light it.
Vladimere: Account isn't old enough.
Gareth: Oh (Censored)
Gareth: Ado log onto the playhouse account and grab me a ladder.
Ado: Okay
Gareth: Darn it the ladder wont fit.
*Vladimere keeps everyone occupied.*
Gareth: I need a box and axe brb
(Five minutes running around like a chicken with its head cut off.)
*Finally gets the ladder up*
Gareth: I cant reach it , even with the ladder.
Niva: Lower it down and then try without lighting it.
*Lowers it and hides on Vladimere*
Vladimere: Okay we ready?
Gareth: I hope this works *Crosses fingers*
(Tree Lights)
Vladimere: next to you. What do I do?
Gareth: Have you go to the top of the tree to light it.
Vladimere: Account isn't old enough.
Gareth: Oh (Censored)
Gareth: Ado log onto the playhouse account and grab me a ladder.
Ado: Okay
Gareth: Darn it the ladder wont fit.
*Vladimere keeps everyone occupied.*
Gareth: I need a box and axe brb
(Five minutes running around like a chicken with its head cut off.)
*Finally gets the ladder up*
Gareth: I cant reach it , even with the ladder.
Niva: Lower it down and then try without lighting it.
*Lowers it and hides on Vladimere*
Vladimere: Okay we ready?
Gareth: I hope this works *Crosses fingers*
(Tree Lights)
Once everyone was gathered a few minutes passed as the Torch had some
minor problems. EM Vladimere gave a ten second count down. The tree lite
up brightly and could be seen all the way to Britain. Everyone snapped pictures
and either said Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays or Happy Ho Ho. After about
five minutes of picture time everyone was ready to open gifts! The Goblins
came to the tree to help pass them out. Each person who brought a gift
was given a gift. Although we feel bad for whoever got stuck with the
Savage gift. Once that was complete the Goblins performed for everyone
singing Christmas Carols below the tree.

Special Thanks
Special Thanks to everyone who attended, making this the best Tree
Lighting event in history! Also let us not forget those responsible for
making this happen. Special thanks to Ozog and Pillow Pants for
orgainizing the Goblins to come and entertainment. Niva The Savage and
her Savage Tribe for the snowball fights. Angelica and Moria Settlement
for providing the Food and furniture. Angus and Guardians Gate for the
harbringers. Luna Rossa and her Sages for the Summoning spell and directing
traffic. EM Vladimere for lighting the tree. The Winter Solstice for passing
out gifts. Prowler of TKO and Gareth S@GE for decorating the Tree. Everyone
who brought gifts for the pressie exchange. Last but not least those behind
the scenes in ventrilo making sure everything went over smoothly.