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[News] First Contact -- Event 9/23/09


Stupid Miner

If you haven’t yet read the EA fiction for this, please head on over to the Live Events section of the Herald and check it out. http://www.uoherald.com/liveevents/event.php?eventid=72

Sorry for the short notice on this, folks. I will be trying my darnedest today to get the word out, since I have only given you all a one day heads up.

Tomorrow, Wednesday September the 23nd (at 8pm CST), will be the meeting between the acting Queen of Britannia, Dawn, and Queen Zhah of the Gargoyle. Come and witness this historic contact between Britannia and Ter Mur. It will take place in the Castle British throne room.

Also, an escort guard of Britannians has been requested for Queen Zhah. This escort should comprise of 8 bodies. Tomorrow at 6pm CST I will make a posting with a location and a specific item. The first 8 people to show me said item at said location will be chosen for the Guard. Not very original, I know, but its fair. So, keep your eyes peeled here at 6pm CST tomorrow if you wish to be a part of this escort for Queen Zhah.

Taken from: http://www.emquantum.com/LakeSuperior/