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[News]Final Decision Made for the Former Kinship Tavern Location

Catskills News

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Friday the 12th of November EM Barnaby held a brief meeting at the EM Hall in Britain the subject of was Kinship Taverns location in Felucca and what the players wanted done with it. At prior meetings the subject had been discussed at length and it was thought a decision was made. After some to time to reflect many people changed their minds though, and it was decided to have this meeting to make a final decision that Mesanna would take action on.

Mesanna had given the players of Catskills two choices to pick from. The first option was to remove all the blessed objects and the land will be "rezoned" to allow placement. The second option was to have an "open air" tavern which would retain its blessed objects, including the plants that were placed there years ago.

At a previous meeting it thought having a replacement player placed tavern was the best course of action, but after some thinking it was decided it was better to have an open air tavern that would not be lost to the owner of the structure leaving the game. The choices were to put the gathered group and the open air tavern was voted the people's choice.

There were a few special requests for the open air tavern that EM Barnaby has, or will, ask of Mesanna. The first that there be placed a one-way Moongate allowing patrons to leave the Tavern in a timely fashion, should the need arise. The second was that some form of a memorial be placed at the location for those guilds were part of Kinship Village, for all they did in helping start Role Playing on Catskills. EM Barnaby made no promises on this but stated that he would look into it.

As a bit of a teaser EM Barnaby had this warning to say. I will take a moment to remind everyone, also, please be on the lookout in the coming weeks for any strange characters out and about. When questioned jokingly if we should watch for mongbats he said. No, but from what I understand, our strange imp friend has been sighted again recently. I've heard that he is often seen around New Haven, as well as Britain. So keep your eyes open for anything unusual if you happen to be visiting either of these locations. (As many of you know the above mentioned Imp stole EM Barnaby's Sashes at the Fair Grounds and the Catskills members that were there had to help save them from the evil little creature and his friends. So there is no telling what mischief he may be up to next. )
