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[News] Final Confrontation Report

Lady Tia

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yesterday evening the citizens of Britannia came together at the Skara Brae Community Center at the request of Dawn. As you can see below, many, many honorable citizens answered the call!

We were met by a nasty little fellow by the name of Nimrad who stated “I do not like you all much”. Very nice way to start the evening! He seemed very disappointed with the number of people that came to fight. To quote him, “Is this all we have? We are screwed…” So little faith in our citizens. Funny thing tho, he was doubting our abilities and he seemed a little confused with his own abilities.

But he was able to gate us successfully to meet up with Dawn! *snicker* The gate took our troops to Fire Temple where Dawn awaited us. She greeted with the announcement “Tonight we end the oppression that has been plaguing Britannia!” See her in all her majesty.

This beautiful starry pool is where the battle begins…..

Horrible explosions shook the land! There were many, many deaths. The people and their majestic animals alike! Would there be no end to this!!?

At last!! A rez station! Thank the gods! There is hope!

The tides are beginning to turn in this mighty battle against the Shadowlords. The citizens are slowly making headway to stop this oppressive force.

Then… suddenly… relief! The battle was won! Dawn met with the troops to congratulate them on their bravery.

It was quite an evening to say the least! Huzzah! Now….let’s get Casca…