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[NEWS] Excavation in Castle Unearths Mysterious Crystal



Citizens of Sosaria gathered in the throne room of Castle British Saturday night to try figuring out what the past week's commotion was about. What they found was a giant hole behind Lord British's throne and remnants of the wall scattered over the floor. There was little doubt this was what generated all the noise.

Shortly after the crowd arrived, Sherry the mouse poked her tiny nose out from behind another wall. She seemed suprised at the crowd, but she also seemed to be waiting for someone. A few moments later, a muscular fellow clad only in trousers and shoes came walking up the red carpet with a pickaxe in tow.

The audience parted for Big Jon the miner at Sherry's request, and she seemed happy enough to see the man. Jon flexed his muscles at female onlookers before Queen Dawn herself entered the courtroom.

Dawn explained that she hired Jon to unearth the crystal Sherry discovered some weeks earlier because they were afraid of it falling into the wrong hands if left for much longer. Thus, Dawn sent Big Jon down into the darkness to look for the crystal.

Jon bravely entered the unknown behind the wall only to encounter his greatest fear. Was it falling rocks and debris? Hardly. Jon's ear splitting screech was caused by none other than the standard cockroach.

The miner sifted through a variety of priceless and unexpected treasures in his search: Lord British's baby pictures, a Wand of Win, a classic shard, along with Mesanna's mercy. With the mention of some of these(especially that last one), the spectators started to wonder at the miner's sobriety and/or competency.

Finally, the crystal was found and brought to the surface in a tightly wrapped parcel. It was immediately handed over to Queen Dawn and she inspected the gem while Jon picked his nose(literally). He was thanked for his service and dismissed.

Dawn explained that the crystal would be placed in a proper display case for viewing at a later time. It will be placed under guard in the throne room where according to Dawn, "Nothing will happen."

The crystal is now displayed on a pedestal in front of the throne in the castle where it will hopefully remain safe.​