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[NEWS] Equestrian Weekend -Day One, Jousting


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The first event of Equestrian Weekend was a Jousting Tournament. Competitors and spectators gathered with EM Autolycus to see who could knock who off their mount first.

First up, yours truly against Reepacheap.....ok, so tell me this isn't the scariest way for a non-pvper to start a tourney! Notice who is on foot and going the other way! And if I am not mistaken, both Reep and the EM are laughing at me !?!?!?!

Pair by pair we all had our turn:

At last we had our finalists! The finale was a best of 7, well played!


Contratulations to Divine Rapture for winning the first event of Equestrian Weekend! Thanks to everyone who participated, it was a very fun beginning to the weekend.