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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
by Barnaby
It was the first night in many weeks in which Olivia Kanlocke had been able to drift to sleep on terms of her own and not those of a body too worn or a mind stretched too thin. But a restful sleep was not to be, as shortly after midnight an urgent scratching sound was heard at her doors. With a groan, the Commander of the Royal Guard rose and answered the door.

This had better be important, she said, groggily.

Looking about, she didn't see anyone in the dark hallway outside of her quarters. Barely awake, she was startled by the muffled squeak she heard coming from her feet. Some great warrior you are Olivia thought to herself as she realized who had been scratching at her door. Good evening, Sherry. Spying a bundle of parchment in the mouth of the castle's smallest resident, she bent over and relieved Sherry of her burden as the mouse stood by dutifully.

Oh thank you Commander Kanlocke, those tasted dreadful, the mouse exclaimed.

I believe I have some cheese and water inside, a bemused Olivia stated, You are welcome to it if you wish.

I do appreciate the offer, Commander, but I must be on my way. Queen Dawn requested that these be delivered to you at once! Sherry replied.

Studying the fresh ink on the paper in her hands, a sudden sense of foreboding fell upon her mind. Sherry, she called to the departing mouse, What has happened? What am I holding?

The reply from Sherry was uncharacteristically somber. Orders.

Shutting the door to her quarters, Olivia sat at her desk and lit a small lantern. Looking at the bound parchments in front of her, she realized there were actually two separate documents. She opened the one sealed with the insignia of the Royal Guard.


Commander Kanlocke,

I have recently learned of a weapon that could potentially prove fatal to Virtuebane. It is my sword, in fact, but to be effective it needs to be taken to a Shrine of Humility. I will make an announcement tomorrow calling for all Guards and able-bodied warriors of the land to meet with me at the Castle from where we will proceed to the Shrine in Ilshenar (should we encounter Virtuebane's minions, and I full expect we will, I believe this would be a more feasible site to engage them than any other location).

While we are gone, I leave the defense of the realm in your capable hands. I will require the bulk of the available Guards, but will leave you with a sizable contingent. Success in my mission is not a guarantee, and the protection of our realm is of the utmost importance - I loathe to leave it even for a short period of time but I believe this is a necessary venture.

Your Queen,



With a sigh so deep it seemed as though it came from the very depths of her soul, Olivia let the parchment slide through her fingers and float to a rest upon her desk. She didn't like this, but she knew she had no choice. The Queen had made her decision, and it was not the Commander of the Guard's place to question it. She had her orders, and she would follow them. With the certainty of someone who had seen much of war, Olivia knew that for better or worse, everything hinged on what happened next.
