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[NEWS] EM Hall of Commons Meeting - Friday, July 9 at 9pm




Pacific's EMs are hosting the first of many(hopefully) biweekly Hall of Commons shardwide meetings on Friday, July 9th at 9:00pm PST.

The gathering will be held at a new Hall of Commons building located north of the Britain moongate in Trammel. Coordinates are 24.52'S 0.54'E.

A gate will also be available at the Luna bank for the event.

For more information, please see EM Tailspin's post in the Pacific EM forum here on Stratics.



Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
whatdyi miss whatdyi miss did this have anything to do with people being turned into bublegum skins? looked like regular flavor :smooch:flame::bs: