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[News][EM] Funeral for a Queen

Catskills News

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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
by Barnaby
Please join us as we mourn the passing of our great Queen, Dawn. The ceremony will begin at the Court of Truth in the town of Yew, and will proceed to the Queen's final resting place.

Any who wish to speak at the funeral are asked to submit their eulogy to EM Barnaby by Saturday at 1pm EST. Speakers will be chosen from the appropriate submissions and contacted shortly after the deadline.

When: Saturday, February 26th, 6pm EST
Where: The Court of Truth, Yew, Trammel


Phaen Grey

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I didn't get all the text from Dawn's Graveside, I was out of range to hear the first part.

Sherry the Mouse: *looks about*
Sherry the Mouse: *frowns sadly*
Sherry the Mouse: *sighs*
Sherry the Mouse: Thank you all for coming
Sherry the Mouse: I ask for your forgiveness
Sherry the Mouse: That you may look past any difficulties I may have today.
Sherry the Mouse: I am but a mere mouse...tasked with eulogizing a great Queen and warrior
Sherry the Mouse: It is my great honor that such is asked of me
Sherry the Mouse: *twitches*
Sherry the Mouse: One that is surpassed only by the honor....
Sherry the Mouse: Of being able to call her my friend.
Sherry the Mouse: Today we gather to pay our respects and say our farewells
Sherry the Mouse: To Dawn the Valiant, Queen of Britannia
Sherry the Mouse: It is only fitting that we do so here, in her home of Yew.
Sherry the Mouse: It is a well told story of how she rose from humble beginnings
Sherry the Mouse: By taking up a sword in defense of this very land
Sherry the Mouse: And meeting a threat surpassed perhaps only by that which we face today
Sherry the Mouse: *pauses*
Sherry the Mouse: Greatness was in our Queen long before she held title or office.
Sherry the Mouse: She inherited her skill with a blade and a reverence for the Virtues
Sherry the Mouse: From her grandfather, a Knight, and continued the family legacy
Sherry the Mouse: *frowns slightly*
Sherry the Mouse: Though such things are beyond the understanding of a mouse
Sherry the Mouse: I can say that her...
Sherry the Mouse: *twitches*
Sherry the Mouse: Her death....honored this legacy
Sherry the Mouse: Generations will speak of the life of our Queen
Sherry the Mouse: As well as the day she perished in defense of the kingdom
Sherry the Mouse: With this in mind, let us not forget that many lives were sacrificed on that day
Sherry the Mouse: And that more will likely be needed as we meet the challenge before us
Sherry the Mouse: As a result of that dark hour, the Queen's own husband, Ors
Sherry the Mouse: Made the decision to depart and be with his dear wife.
Sherry the Mouse: As we...as we remember the others who have fallen in our defense
Sherry the Mouse: Let us remember him as well
Sherry the Mouse: Not as a traitor, but as the Queen's beloved
Sherry the Mouse: *pauses*
Sherry the Mouse: *sniffles*
Sherry the Mouse: Pardon...
Sherry the Mouse: Courageous warrior, loving wife, respected leader...
Sherry the Mouse: And friend to all Britannians great and small.
Sherry the Mouse: This is how I shall remember my Queen
Sherry the Mouse: *glances back*
Sherry the Mouse: As she walks in eternal Light
Sherry the Mouse: I will honor her by walking along the same virtuous path in life
Sherry the Mouse: For Dawn lived as she died
Sherry the Mouse: With Truth in mind
Sherry the Mouse: Courage at hand
Sherry the Mouse: and Love in her heart.
Sherry the Mouse: *looks back*
Sherry the Mouse: You will be missed, my Queen
Sherry the Mouse: We have here today
Sherry the Mouse: Amongst the many mourners
Sherry the Mouse: Two who can speak better than most about the Virtues of Dawn

Virtuebane: What fitting scenery, perhaps we can hold a few more funerals! *Looks to Ricardo*

Sherry the Mouse: And I shall turn it over to their hands
Sherry the Mouse: *gasps*

Virtuebane: Kal Vas Flam - Flame Strike

Sherry the Mouse: You!
Sherry the Mouse: *bares teeth*

Avery: I'm going to seek one of them out shortly.

Sherry the Mouse: Does this....
Sherry the Mouse: Does this mean you will be staying for awhile...?

Avery: He will tell me, or I'll force the information from him.
Avery: *sighs*
Avery: Knowledge can often be more dangerous than any weapon.
Avery: *nods*
Avery: I can say for sure that you've all fought valiently today.
Avery: Dawn would certainly be proud.

Sherry the Mouse: *sniffles*

Avery: Too many deaths of late, it is hard for me to handle..

Sherry the Mouse: *begins sobbing*

Avery: We've protected our land, if nothing else. I can hold pride in that.
Avery: I am afraid not..we've failed in some senses.
Avery: But Ricardo is not one of them.
Avery: I'm going to council with a few who know more about the crystal than I.
Avery: I think for now all the rest of you can do is keep a vigilant eye for Virtuebane, or Ricardo.

Aneirin: Thief can handle himself, if he ain't dead.

Avery: *nods*
Avery: He's proven it many times before.
Avery: Please continue to pay your respects if you wish.

Sherry the Mouse: *sniffs*
Sherry the Mouse: I think...

Avery: *touches the stone one last time*

Sherry the Mouse: I think I'm ready to return to the castle

Avery: Even Ors has my respect.

Sherry the Mouse: It just won't ever be the same...

Avery: A tragedy none should have to bare.

Avery: Ors was the Queen's husband.

Sherry the Mouse: *takes one last look at the stone*

Avery: I can't hold him responsible for her death.

Sherry the Mouse: Yes?

Hunterboon: is virtuebane coming back soon?

Sherry the Mouse: I hope not

Avery: He has gotten what he came for.

Sherry the Mouse: But we are not done with him yet

Avery: I doubt we will see his face until I find where it may be

Sherry the Mouse: I believe tonight is a night for mourning

Aneirin: Nor "he", us.

Sherry the Mouse: There has been enough death

Avery: We are close to Empath Abbey, you are all welcome tovisit.

Avery: This is where I depart for now--I will share my findings with you all as soon as I can.

Avery: Goodbye, my Queen.

Aneirin: Best of luck

Sherry the Mouse: Thank you, Avery

Avery: Thank you all for your service today.

Sherry the Mouse: I shall depart as well
Sherry the Mouse: Good bye....my Queen
Sherry the Mouse: my friend...
