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[NEWS] EM Event: Rabid Wolf 6/28

Bryelle Vaughn

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
EM Event: Rabid Wolf

From Remus the Wolf Hunter

To Garrow Mayor of Luna City

In order to clean up the rabid wolf population our cities have been ravaged by,-. Hunters have been sent out for the last fort night to kill and capture the horrid beast. Over the weekend, my hunters trapped and caged an extraordinary beast, Queen Roxanne of the Wolf Clan. She has been tested and found to be without rabies, and is being housed in a special cage near the Luna fairgrounds.

I have employed that old man Thaddeus, to guard the Queen and take tickets. He did express to me with his toothless grin... “I would not be the one to stick my hand in the cage, might come back with a stump!!!!” But as you know mayor, Thaddeus has been known to stick things in places they don’t belong. Didn’t he lose part of his left foot last year to a dragon?? How many times have we told him not to kick the dragons, but I digress.

Garrow, I beg you to send more hunters!! I am requesting a call to arms on Tuesday June 28th at the Luna Fair Ground, near the Queens cage. We will be meeting at 6:00pm pt/9:00pm est. to go rid ourselves of these sick wolfs, and see if the king can be found! If possible, we want to bring the Wolf King back alive!

For more information see: Rabid Wolf