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[News][EM Event] Nexus Spirit: The Confrontation

Lake Superior News

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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Posted to the EM news site;​

The final Stand!
With news that the Nexus Spirit has been weakened; Dawn now request a full front assault on his base. She has been lead off by an anonymous source of it’s hiding place and has clarification of it’s weakening. However the spirit’s followers are still attempting to heal and protect him, and their numbers are slowly increasing.

March 27 (Saturday) the location of Lord British Castle Trammel, at 10PM Eastern, 9PM Central.

For those that know not, the EM site is here



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Posted to the EM news site;​

The final Stand!
With news that the Nexus Spirit has been weakened; Dawn now request a full front assault on his base. She has been lead off by an anonymous source of it’s hiding place and has clarification of it’s weakening. However the spirit’s followers are still attempting to heal and protect him, and their numbers are slowly increasing.

March 27 (Saturday) the location of Lord British Castle Trammel, at 10PM Eastern, 9PM Central.

For those that know not, the EM site is here

With the most respect to the EM's I say this....

No offense but this event was terribly disappointing. In the future it would be
nice if you EM's could put a little more time into the planning and preperation. If you need help I would be more than willing, and know several others with the same mind set.

I'm not trying to devalue what you attempted, I am however trying to ask you that if you are going to actually do something to refrain if you need to rush through it. It's wasting your time, our time, and it devalues the entire idea of your creation.