First Lieutenant Gwen Irina was not pleased. This wasn't uncommon in and of itself; She didn't take excessive pleasure from almost anything aside from a job well done. But in this case, she was bothered by the fact that she had a job that was badly done. She'd been suspicious after the encounter that Commander Foxx had told her of with the Servant and the Tinker's apprentice. Things just didn't add up. There was no evidence of magic used, necromantic or otherwise. The trauma on the body pointed towards someone of considerable skill and ability with weapons, and she had her doubts; Heavy and ponderous, they weighed on her and caused her to slump ever so slightly. It was time to reopen the investigation...
[OOC] The Investigation into Sheffields death has been reopened, due to a reexamination of the evidence in light of events. Players should feel free to join Lieutenant Irina Thursday night at 9 PM EST If they wish to share any findings they might have after thinking over what was previously learned. Those questioned before may have new information. Please note that if you cannot attend, you may still question the witnesses for some time after the event. See you all there!