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(Player News) [NEWS] EM Event Fiction: Rise of The Wolf King

Bryelle Vaughn

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The Rise of the Wolf King​

The Rise of the Wolf King…..

Craigstaff, The Wolf King, and the oldest of the Pacific Wolf Clan, paced and growled around his cave!! He was furious with the humans who came into his cave. Craigstaff had slept in the darkness of the back cave, and didn’t hear the humans who came to his labyrinth. Alone, and in the dark, he slumbered on here all was quiet; he had no idea of the horrors that were taking place to his family.

He knew humans were bad evil things! Wasn’t that what his father King Kasstaff had told him over and over? “Stay away from them son, they will only want to wear your skin as a coat, and your head as a hat! His father had died at the hands of one of those ghastly humans, and Craigstaff knew which one. Craigstaff had watched it happen.

Rickrack and Surbob the king’s body guards woke the king with the awful news!

“My king! My King! Please wake up” Rickrack screamed franticly!!!

“It’s The Queen she has been wolf napped” the other guard, Surbob blared!

The king woke groggily from his dream, it had been a good dream , running and laughing with his pack, it was so much fun.

“What do you want, I told you I needed some sleep” the king said has he laid his head back down.

“No my lord! You must awake and listen.” Again Surbob

As Rickrack told the king of what had happened in the front caves, the king’s eyes opened and he became awake, angry and jumped to his feet!

“We heard those awful humans mumblings about wolfs packs being sick. “ Rickrack went on. “Those that show that show aggression kill them on sight” One of the hunters called!” “We will trap the rest, bring up the cage” The lead hunter ordered. Rickrack was going to say more, but the expression on his kings face, had told me he had said enough.

The King flying in to a rage growled, bared his teeth, and charged Rickrack! “How could you let them take the queen! “ Rickrack cowering in fear muttering . “Im sorry my lord, there were so many of them, and it all happened so fast!”. As the king backed off he took a better look at his guard, bloody and beaten, they looked as if they had at least tried to stand their ground.

In the shadows slinked in a ragged skinny calico cat, it was Scutter the king’s spy… “Excuse me King Craigstaff, I have sad news” she purred…

“My Queen is not dead is she?” the king exclaimed.

Scutter stuttered as she told the king what she had saw and heard!

“ Na no no..No my lord” she said “It is something far worse. Those in the clan the hunters didn’t kill, those evil humans trapped, and carried away in cages. Scutter choked back a fur ball as she told the Craigstaff of Queen Roxanne and that she is being held in a cage near the city of Luna.! These loathsome humans are even charging 5 gold pieces each to go in and see the Queen close up!”.

This was the final straw, the king has had enough. The king grumbled on and paced the cave “For years now how many of our kind had died, or been taken away by these humans! We have let these hunters invade our homes, kill or take our parents and children”

How could they have done this, captured his beloved wife Queen Roxanne. The Queen was not sick, the King thought! She was a good and loving Wolfe wife. So once in a while she would grab a sheep, or someone’s pet dog. Until now, neither she, nor the king had ever killed a human!

“A CAGE!!! How dare them” King Craigstaff screamed at Scutter. Scutter hid in fear behind Rickrack, but listened for his next orders! After a moment of more grumbling on the kings part, The king gave his order. “ Call the wolf’s from around the land to join us! Next time, these hunters come to our realm! We will be ready to tear them from limb to limb!!! ” the King said with an evil snarl on his face! I will have Justice!!! I will have my Queen back!!!!.” Craigstaff bellowed!

*For More information please see: Rise of The Wolf King