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[News][EM Event] A Announcement from Queen Dawn

Catskills News

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by Barnaby
To all Citizens and those who would call Themselves Friend of Brittania,

At this late hour in the conflict with the Bane Chosen that has so enveloped our lives, I embark on a mission of hope. I have learned of a weapon that may allow us to finally defeat Virtuebane and end the terror that he has brought to our land. We have had to persevere through much in recent memory, but this valiance has brought victory. Victory over the great evil of Ix Tab, and victory over the invading forces that would take our fair cities and towns.

The time has come to finally defeat the Bane Chosen, and guided by the Virtues, vanquish their leader. To this end I call upon all Guards and able-bodied warriors to meet in front of the Castle three days hence. From here we shall depart on our mission, and take the first of the final steps in defeating Virtuebane.

Her Majesty,

Queen Dawn


Meet in front of the Castle (Trammel), armed and ready on:

Sunday, February 13th

6:00 pm EST



Always Present
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Does anyone know what template is best fit for the Event ?

Or just any will go just fine the same ?

Also, what about those players who are actually siding with the bane Chosen ?

Will they get to fight against the Ophidians/Meer in favour of the bane Chosen ??

Or is the Event just for those players siding with the Ophidians against the Bane Chosen ?

hi dude

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Best template is a fisher with magery. It's been hinted COUNTLESS times in the storyline with the introduction of the high seas mini expansion booster dvd box set. I'm guessing fishing is going to play a big part tonight.


Always Present
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Best template is a fisher with magery. It's been hinted COUNTLESS times in the storyline with the introduction of the high seas mini expansion booster dvd box set. I'm guessing fishing is going to play a big part tonight.

Thanks for the tip but I do not think fishing will matter much....

Aside from insteresting fishing theories, does anyone actually know what type of enemies will players be required to fight against so as to try figure out what template might be most fit for the fight to come ?

As we know for past Events, not all templates are good for all fights, some are better and some do worse, depending on what the enemies are.

And, unfortunately, damage dealt has a meaning, and quite some, when it comes to drops.....

What about this particular Event ?


Crazed Zealot
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As with all events, you have several options.
1. A generic high damage template - This includes archers and tamers with certain pet combinations. These templates are most likely to do the highest damage when played right.
2. A template with high survivability, but low overall damage outputs - This includes mage, mystic mage, and greater-dragon-tamers. They're fun, but you probably won't do the highest damage. At least you'll see the loot!
3. A support template - This includes bards (discord, specifically), mages who heal a lot (necro for me! Lich form makes great mana regen) etc.
4. Warriors - Wanna die a lot? Be a warrior! Events are known for the 1-2 hit killers where even a sampire can't do a lot. Plan on staying away from the enemy, and you'll do better.

My personal advice is... try to see who's being very effective and copy them.


Lore Master
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The best template to use, is the one you have fun with the most.

hi dude

Stratics Veteran
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is popps, bob the fart guy, and Cantabrigian British related or something?


Always Present
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I'm bringing my fishing pole of mass destruction.

Hunters' Moon

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4. Warriors - Wanna die a lot? Be a warrior! Events are known for the 1-2 hit killers where even a sampire can't do a lot. Plan on staying away from the enemy, and you'll do better.
From what I have seen and heard about the last few events,teleport has been given to the mobs. This forces every character that someone would bring into a fight a defacto melee fighter no matter the template. If you do any damage to your target,you get yanked right next to it so it can hit you melee style.

Farsight may want to change it to "Wanna die alot? Do direct damage attacks to your target."


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
I could easily change it to "Wanna die, go to the event!"

Especially with the creative killing methods our EMs have shown in the past.
i.e. Adding in a single shadow fiend to a thick spawn (easily the most fun thing I've seen on Catskills!), Making the boss an Abyssal Infernal (Insane side spawn against a large group), having Meraktus-analogues in the spawn (mass death guaranteed) among other things.

But in this case, I think my advice was fairly sound (though I've heard no reports from tamers against the golems) even though I skipped the event entirely due to real life concerns (I was on vacation).

But the side note should have been "learn to deal with being teleported." One hit doesn't usually kill a well armored character, and an archer or thrower can move away and still do damage, thus they're still better for the events than a melee fighter.

But that doesn't mean that people should avoid melee in events. I've seen melee fighters do quite well, especially when they have a good cross healer along for the ride with them.

But in the case of the person who asked the question and who I think his characters are (I don't know for certain, but I have an idea), I don't think he'll go to events with team work in mind, which skewed my response to "How would I do it if I were to go alone?"

Which is, I prefer my archer, Aneirin. If I go with my tamer, Farsight, I have a beetle/nightmare combination and typically evaluating intelligence and a complete set of slayer spellbooks. With either of those characters, I rarely fail to be in the top-damagers and also rarely get killed.

I also attend events as my necro-mage, Dedigan. When I do that, my entire point is cross healing and keeping a select few alive, and I'm very good at that. But I never get a portion of the loot when I'm in healing mode... I almost never get looting rights to the little things, let alone the big bosses.

My warrior, Path, and my sampire (also Path, used to be Grol before I closed the account) has never fared well in events except as a healing/res point. So I stopped trying to melee enemies in events early on in my UO-part 2 (Specifically, the crimson dragons).

And that's the complete clarification of my reasoning.

Hunters' Moon

Grand Inquisitor
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I heard that the europa shard was having the golems spawn in haven also. I logged on over there and three tamers and their greaters attacking one golem. There was a couple of mages spamming heals on the lead dragon that was taking the brunt of the melee hits.Just from what I have seen,energy element attacks are the way to go.From the damage output the golem was putting on the dragons and the constant aoe spam it was doing,I would only consider bringing a tamer or a back up mage gheal spammer with a ton of mana to the fight.

They Call Me Al

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So far the best template for killing those heavy handed buggers that I've found is a necro/weaving/mistic.

I stand a fair distance away throwing colossus after colossus and spamming hail storm (there isn't a slayer for them and their weakest resist is cold) with only like 50 sdi and arcane empowerment the hailstorms do about 80-100 dmg a piece. Then once the golem is in WOD range, an empowered Nyraxle will hit for around 580-600 dmg.

I have also found out that leech weapons/forms don't do anything. Your best bet is to go into lich form for mana regen or tree form for ssi(if on a pally)

Some members of our guild are using archers and throwers. They have reported about 150 dmg per hit and upwards of 220 with a perfection critical.

Hope that helps people out a bit.