Tournament Dates
April 02, 2011 - April 13, 2011
Proud Sponsors of the Big Ten Tournament
Moria Village
Zedland City
Citadel of the Fallen
Cimmerians Pass
PaxOku City
The City of Kijustsu Anei Village
Corin Latobian[DWB]
Britannia Mage Tower
Templar Stronghold
Heaviest Void Crab
Prize: Olmec Access Orb
LIGHTEST Big Fish - Must have your name on it
Prize: 5,000,000gold & Fishing Alacrity Scroll
LIGHTEST Yellowtail Barracuda - Must have your name on it
Prize: 5,000,000gold & Fishing Alacrity Scroll
Heaviest combined weight of 10 Blue Marlin
Prize: 6,000,000gold
Heaviest Big Fish
Prize: +5.0 Fishing skill scroll & Fishing Alacrity Scroll
Heaviest combined weight of 10 fish - Any type
Prize: 10,000,000gold
Heaviest combined weight of 10 Black Marlin
Prize: 10,000,000gold
Heaviest combined weight of 10 Summer Dragon
Prize: 10,500,000gold
Heaviest Zombie Fish
Prize: +25 Stat Scroll
Heaviest Stone Fish
Prize: +25 Stat Scroll
Heaviest combined weight of 10 Giant Koi
Prize: 25,000,000gold
Heaviest combined weight of 10 Holy Mackerel
Prize: 25,000,000gold
Contest Details
-You can turn fish in at anytime during the tournament
-Final entries must be turned on Wednesday, April 13 at 2:00pm ET
-Anyone can enter
-Yes you can win multiple categories
(We cant control soulstones)
-Only tournament host that may enter is Tatania Karthina
-Sponsors can enter
-You can turn in 1 - 10 fish for combined weight categories
How To Enter
Must be placed in the Fishing Hall of Fame mailbox
Fish must be in a container
You must have a book in the container and have the following information written inside
-Your Name
-Yes or No
If you would like your fish displayed in the Hall of Fame if it beats a current record.
-Yes or No
If you would like like your fish returned after the tournament
- chronological order will be used to decide the Winner
- Face Off Challenge if winning fish are caught on the same day