[SIZE=+1]Chesapeake Community Teleporter Hub Up and Running!
The realms newest addition is open for travel as the community teleporter hub is up and running! Wonderfully designed the area just across the road from the Sosarian Solstice Fair now hosts teleporter links to all player run cities and towns on the Chesapeake Shard. The following cities, towns, and villages are currently linked to the hub:
Guardians Gate
Cimmerian Pass
Al Ellisande
Kijustsu Keys
Village of Colt
Kijustsu Anei
Village of the Templar Stronghold
Dragons Watch
If your city or town is not listed above it's not too late to get yours added or even form up your own city in the realm. Attend the weekly House of Commons Meeting on Sundays at 9pm just north of the Brit Gate for further info! Here's a few pics of the new tele!
To visit a city, simply find the corresponding banner to the city you seek and double click its statue as seen below! Most cities have return teleport tiles however work is still being done in some areas. Also some areas are in the Felucca facet so travelers be alert!
Thanks to all the cities for permitting travel into thier respective estabishments and special thanks to Our EM Team and Lady Mesanna for taking this vision for the community and making it a reality! Well done!
The realms newest addition is open for travel as the community teleporter hub is up and running! Wonderfully designed the area just across the road from the Sosarian Solstice Fair now hosts teleporter links to all player run cities and towns on the Chesapeake Shard. The following cities, towns, and villages are currently linked to the hub:
Guardians Gate
Cimmerian Pass
Al Ellisande
Kijustsu Keys
Village of Colt
Kijustsu Anei
Village of the Templar Stronghold
Dragons Watch
If your city or town is not listed above it's not too late to get yours added or even form up your own city in the realm. Attend the weekly House of Commons Meeting on Sundays at 9pm just north of the Brit Gate for further info! Here's a few pics of the new tele!
To visit a city, simply find the corresponding banner to the city you seek and double click its statue as seen below! Most cities have return teleport tiles however work is still being done in some areas. Also some areas are in the Felucca facet so travelers be alert!
Thanks to all the cities for permitting travel into thier respective estabishments and special thanks to Our EM Team and Lady Mesanna for taking this vision for the community and making it a reality! Well done!