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[News] Casca's Speech Scheduled for Friday

  • Thread starter Stupid Miner
  • Start date
  • Watchers 1

Stupid Miner

There have recently been posted some lanterns in the cities of Luna and Britain. They have been etched with the message: "I shall deliver a speech Friday at 8pm [CST] in Castle Britannia. All should come. -Lord Casca"

Indeed let us all gather together to hear the sickly sweet (and no doubt highly boring) pontifications from our own personal pseudo-regent, and mass-murderer extraordinaire Casca.

Let me remind you all that the last proclamation that issued forth from that cesspool of deceit that would under normal circumstances would be called a mouth (but such a malignant creature as Casca deserves no such honor) was to sentence our own Captain of the Royal Guard to death for defending Britannia from murderous brigands who were pillaging our fair city of Skara Brae!

In any case, I plan to be there... mostly out of my morbid curiosity to see whether or not such a repugnant creature can actually produce something other than vomit and bile from that large hole in his face that in no way deserves to be referred to as a "mouth."

If you plan to go, be skeptical of anything he might say. I am convinced Casca is a minion of the Shadowlord of Deceit in disguise.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
uhh would you mind telling us how you really feel about Casca?





Bombastic Fail

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
uhh would you mind telling us how you really feel about Casca?




Casca is a terrible leader! All in favor of a council ruling LS with a few rpers, a few pvpers, and a few random people (all voted on; of course! UNLIKE SOME KING!) say AYE!

And yes, I will be available to be on the council :thumbsup:. Hahah :)