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[News]Casca Calls all to Blackthorns Castle!!


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thursday, September 3, 2009

By Fiorella

It was a lovely night.

Lord Casca sat straight up in bed. He was smiling slightly and seemed to be watching something that... wasn't in the room. "It's time," he said quietly.

Lord Casca leaped out of bed and went to his writing desk. After lighting a candle he began to write furiously. It wasn't long before he called out, "BOB!!! Get in here!! BOB??" Bob stumbled into the royal chambers looking rather fuzzy. "Get this message to my subjects! There is no time to waste! Go!"

As soon as Bob left Lord Casca's chambers he stopped and read the message...

By order of Lord Casca, King of Britannia, you are hereby ordered to meet at Lord Blackthorn's Castle in Felucca at 7 pm PST this Friday Sept. 4th! We prepare for war!!

Well, thought Bob, it had been a lovely night...