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[NEWS:] Bits and Pieces of News 1/29/09


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Last week at some stage in or right after the meeting in the Chamber of Virtues Catskills EM Kasaven was taken forcefully by unknown assailants. Owain Surrey set forth to find out who would want to take Kasaven prisoner, and where they might be holding him. This reporter recently spoke to Owain and his search still goes on, but he did have a vision of 4 statues and a future date that is almost two weeks away. He asked that those of you who are concerned about EM Kasavens health to please wait till he gives word that his dream is coming to fulfillment before joining him in taking action.

I spent some time recently visiting with the Mage Clainin who is still caught up in a fever from when old Haven fell and New Haven was born. Casca our new king stated in his recent speech that he had the support of Clainin in taking the position of King pro-tempore and I was hoping for Clainin to have a lucid moment to confirm his claims. Alas this was not to be for the entire time I was there Clainin mumbled a few things but none about Casca.

It has been wondered by many as to who this Solomon Wright truly is, a humble monk, a peace maker, or a man with his own agenda. Whatever you say about Solomon you cannot say he has not caused a stir amongst the people. In the short time he has been a public figure he has proposed many radical ideas that have many emotions running high in the land. Things from questioning the Purple Guardians of Honors (PGoH) claim on Trinsic, to stating that maybe the people should move away from the path that was set by Lord British Himself. Whatever you say about the man you cannot say he is not controversial.

As many people have wandered the land they have seen mousetraps showing up all over the place. The rumors swirl that our new King has ordered these traps set in the hopes of capturing or killing the famed Sherry the Mouse. Sherry, a well known author who was close to Lord British, has been outspoken and critical in her statements about Casca since his claim to the throne. Through official channels the only statement was that all these traps were to combat the growing rat problems in our fair cities. So you decide what is the truth.

Lady Lucretia caused a uproar this week while being taken on a guided tour of the Trammel Moonglow Zoo hosted by Anne Nomilly(O*S) and myself. When she climbed over the fence of the Silver Steed enclosure and tossed out the two Phillip's Wooden Steeds that had been sitting in there for the longest time. Those of us who witnessed it were fearful for her safety being in the area with a wild creature, but it did not seem to faze her at all. She climbed back over the fence and completed the tour without any further incidents.


Perhaps some bigger traps ought to be a possibility? When our cities are plagued with dragons, should we really be concerned with a few rats?
I know there are rumors around Solomon Wright's identity - but I think his latest plan - a communications network - is a great idea, and we must support it, for the sake of Kasaven. When the call comes to go to his aid, we need to be ready.

I think we ought to trust Solomon - he may be an unknown, but his words feel better than the obvious lies of Casca.


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
In regards to this news story,

What do you bait an Ophidian trap with?

I was just noticing that most of the drawings in the reports feature a rat. Could that be a coincidence?

There's an interesting side note about the zoo trip. Lucretia the mongbat princess was happy enough to jump into the silver steed pen, but for some reason hesitated to jump into the wyvern pen for the steed that still sits there. (For those who weren't there, the wooden horses have some Catskills historic significance, and they elected not to clean them all up) That says a lot about the nobility in our land, doesn't it? They want to go touch the pretty horsey, but the vicious wyvern should remain safely out of reach.

With regards,
Dedigan, tavern wench of the Jolly Roger

(Oddly enough, every live rat in the screen shots above were named "A bilge rat". That, at least, is not a coincidence, as those shots also featured pirates)

Oh, and thanks for the zoo tour. That was fun! (That's Dedigan in the white skull cap, A bilge rat following lovingly at my boot-heels.)


I be wantin' to talk like a matey now, yar.

What do Ophidians eat? Pesky adventurers, that's what.

Ye bait th' trap wit' landlubbers!


Babbling Loonie
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When ever I am near them they seem to like to eat me...but I will be damned if I am sitting in any old traps waiting!!!

As far as a communication network, yes it is a fine idea. That is why one has been in effect for years. This is not a new idea, or a particularly original one. Now Others can speak up who are more centrally involved with the existing "Event Comms Network". To my knowledge though, it exists and works well.


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Stratics Legend
woa! Cool screenie of someone inside the enclosure. I wander if Kasaven didn't get kidnapped...but possibly is secretly stalking Casca? Hmm.

Solomon Wright


The desire for originality is often trumped by practicality. I am certain other communication chains exist, and ultimately allow for the same effect intended with the SCN.

Consider this a consolidation effort.

-Solomon Wright, Sosarian Monk


I'm a Jedi. Bet y'all didn't know that. I sense a great disturbance in the Schwartz.

The Schwartz is strong in my family.....and we can sense the overall mood of groups. Old Sol might not be all that popular with the community....for several reasons. Being a mysterious wielder of Schwartz Craft....which has the power to decipher the obvious...I'll leave the obvious reasons to you.


I was unaware of any sort of existing system. Perhaps it needs some advertisement?


You're in the middle of the system now.

Or...as they said in the 70's, "You're soaking in it."

Solomon Wright


I have felt very welcome within the Catskills community, and I have enjoyed meeting the diverse cast of characters that make up our shard.

If there's negative energy, I'm more than willing to address any issues that need to be tended to. But at this time, no one has brought any concerns to my attention, and all of my interactions have been extremely positive.

I may just be oblivious; feel free to enlighten me. Monks enjoy that sort of thing.

Best wishes...

-Solomon Wright, Sosarian Monk



I have felt very welcome within the Catskills community, and I have enjoyed meeting the diverse cast of characters that make up our shard.

If there's negative energy, I'm more than willing to address any issues that need to be tended to. But at this time, no one has brought any concerns to my attention, and all of my interactions have been extremely positive.

I may just be oblivious; feel free to enlighten me. Monks enjoy that sort of thing.

Best wishes...

-Solomon Wright, Sosarian Monk
Sure. It's no secret that I think RP is creepy. Ask Anne...she's knows from the old days that I'd slit my own throat to stay out of an rp encounter! And this is an rp scenario created by a player to make things interesting for the rp crowd. Hell...that's fine. But...more than a few are considering that game time is being wasted on some "Save Trinsic Cause British Said it's Ours" kinda thing. Well...if I could offer advice...I'd be a little more forthcoming...and drop the rp screen....and be honest with the people so they don't continue to feel as if their time has been wasted. You may do more damage to the rp community than you think.

Now granted...I've come to these conclusions from conversations here....and word that I've gotten from a couple players I speak to daily.

So...before someone yells at me for saying rp is creepy....let us remember that I didn't say people were creepy. I hate smoking...but I loved my Grandpa and he smoked 122 packs a day.

Solomon Wright


"And this is an rp scenario created by a player to make things interesting for the rp crowd."

What scenario are you referring to? The kidnapping of Emissary Kasaven? The rise of Casca to the throne? The prophecies of Owain Surrey? None of these are my doing.

If you're instead referring to my call for assembly at the Chamber of Virtue, my intention was to highlight the animosity many felt regarding Casca's nomination to the throne, and to begin the process of identifying solutions for the unrest. You had no obligation to attend; I'm sorry if you felt excluded somehow due to the language I was using, but you have a place in the story unfolding, just like everyone else.

Honestly, I feel the larger issues touched upon affect everyone who spends time in Britannia, not just the community you reference above. Without Lord British guiding the vision of Britannia, and with the significant population decline experienced by most shards, there are a number of important questions that must be confronted.

If not now, then soon enough.

"But...more than a few are considering that game time is being wasted on some "Save Trinsic Cause British Said it's Ours" kinda thing."

No one needs to involve themselves in the debate regarding the Guardians' claim to Trinsic. However, as I stated previously, I don't think the larger questions at play are limited to any specific subset of our population...

- Do the Robed have to abide by decrees made by Lord British during his reign?

- Does a costumed king wielding a script honor the concept of monarchy previously established? Is this system of "governance" still practical, given the way the position is being used by the Robed?

- Could a citizen, guild or organization actually control a city? The mechanics for city management exist, to some degree, in Felucca, as part of the faction wars. Should these tools be extended to Trammel cities under a different pretext?

"Well...if I could offer advice...I'd be a little more forthcoming..."

What is it you'd like for me to be forthcoming about? I can't answer a question I haven't been asked.

"and drop the rp screen....and be honest with the people so they don't continue to feel as if their time has been wasted. You may do more damage to the rp community than you think."

I'm afraid I'm not following you here. Where do you feel I'm being dishonest? What "damage" do you fear I might cause?

There is no sword at anyone's throat. Every interaction should be considered consensual. If anyone becomes disinterested or feels unwelcome, they can ask me to leave, Recall to a different facet, or speak to me about their concerns. I am available quite often, and can be reached via the Sosarian Communication Network here: 441758722

"Now granted...I've come to these conclusions from conversations here....and word that I've gotten from a couple players I speak to daily."

These individuals are welcome to openly discuss their concerns, or to contact me directly for resolution.

"So...before someone yells at me for saying rp is creepy..."

You can have any opinion you like, and I certainly won't judge you. However, I will point out that regardless of your practices regarding speech and mannerisms, you travel through a world called Britannia, populated by spellcasters and mongbats. *smiles*

Best wishes to you, my friend.

-Solomon Wright, Sosarian Monk


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sure. It's no secret that I think RP is creepy. Ask Anne...she's knows from the old days that I'd slit my own throat to stay out of an rp encounter! And this is an rp scenario created by a player to make things interesting for the rp crowd. Hell...that's fine. But...more than a few are considering that game time is being wasted on some "Save Trinsic Cause British Said it's Ours" kinda thing. Well...if I could offer advice...I'd be a little more forthcoming...and drop the rp screen....and be honest with the people so they don't continue to feel as if their time has been wasted. You may do more damage to the rp community than you think.

Now granted...I've come to these conclusions from conversations here....and word that I've gotten from a couple players I speak to daily.

So...before someone yells at me for saying rp is creepy....let us remember that I didn't say people were creepy. I hate smoking...but I loved my Grandpa and he smoked 122 packs a day.
And this attitude (not saying it's a bad thing, mind you), which is fairly common among some of the circles I run with, is exactly why the communication network is a good idea.

A few people can stalk... er... keep an eye out for the yellow named folk and spread the word when they are available or up to something. We have fun with all that rp stuff and forward the stories as appropriate. When the hammer falls and we need backup, THEN we'll send more frantic words and probably gates to our friends who don't like that kind of thing.

In the mean time, those who don't like to play their role in the world can continue with their spawns or PvP or Peerless or standing in front of an ogre lord with a soul seeker and only catch up on the stories when the time is appropriate.

As far as social networks of this sort are concerned, SW's new idea is far from the only one out there. Currently, every time something happens, I get 5 pigeons/telepathies/ICQ's/parrots (I use parrots, ARR!) that tell me exactly what I just told someone else in my network, which includes both roleplayers and non-roleplayers alike (the messages come from GRI/SnR/PGoH/UP/CYM/Rose and another source which will remain nameless) The reason I fully support a new communication network is not because I want word of what's going on. I'm usually the one who spreads the word. But rather because I want to tell other people when it's appropriate for them to bring their monster-bashing tails to the party. After all, the more, the merrier, I always say!


Biggest reason we don't have a super network to tell everyone whats going on is because some people/guilds (not naming any names) like to raid.

That's all nifty and all, but its senseless, violent, and disrespectful stupidity that has lead to entire Guilds being banned from the RP community in the past and maybe even present.

There has been many attempts by a powerful few to rid the shard of this vial greed but, their success belittled us all...

We live in a world of chaos, where the strong band together and shun the corrupt. You can become part of something bigger then yourself, or you can do your own leg work it seems.


I'm on the leg work part myself... but that is me.

To Solomon:
Even if I dont know you, the reports we gathered and the information we collected point out that you are a positive influence on Catskills... so I offer my apologies but your ICQ# was sent to our Circle members... you will be bugged.

The Network:
It already exists on many levels and many alliances... your effort to unify it will make you a stress point... my thanks for enduring that.

RP came back to Catskills... The Devs Vision and yours are the major reason for that to happen... it would be all for nothing if the players moved away... but they didnt.

Keep up the good work... and thank you for the time spent thinking about all of us... and plotting.

Personal note: I really wish you are a CA. that would be bitter sweet...

Cya on the field.


In hindsight...I think it should have been made clear that your activities were not EM sanctioned. (A bit of information that didn't come to light until after people started asking.) Before it was made clear....the murmurings were, "Am I gonna have to RP to be part of this scenario?" and "Why do the RP folk get a special envoy when the PvP, crafters etc. do not?" You understand that some folks can be bitter?

So...the problem wasn't a proper line of communication...it was the lack of proper information.

You know what? It doesn't matter. I'm not playing anymore, anyway. I've been keeping up with events to see when (and if) SA is gonna be released.

Just my thoughts....they matter not.

Solomon Wright


I hope you come back to our lands soon, my friend.

Enjoy your adventures elsewhere until your return...

-Solomon Wright, Sosarian Monk


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****Walks into the discussion hall, and instantly feels the animosity in the air. These are strange times.****

I have yet to meet this Monk person to person I will admit. But I feel he brings a very entertaining and intriguing angle to Sosaria. When we do meet Solomon, I wish to ask you something. It is not a mean or jaded question. Just that I believe I know who you are. And I would very much like for you to clarify if you are indeed who I believe you are...or if you are not. No pressures. I do look forward to meeting you.

****Rubbing his beard, Hagrid thinks to himself...I rather enjoy the "role-play" realm of things.****