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[News] Baja Taming Hour Moved. Event Tonight at 7:00 PM PST / 10:00 EST.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Baja Taming Hour Moved

The RP Alliance / Baja Taming Hour Event is being moved to accomidate the EM Seppo's High Council Event.

Taming Hour will occur tonight at 7:00 PM PST / 10:00 PM EST at the Moonglow Zoo.

Proserpina and Kat MacBrodean [DWN] will be hosting.

Ceno of MT

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I wasn't able to attend BUT I gave Proserpina some money to be donated and I logged on earlier that day to tame some ki-rins before I had to leave for dinner :thumbup:

And I want to give a big shout out and thank you to Proserpina, Kat MacBrodean as well as RP Alliance for continuing Taming Hour. Even if I don't play much (dont even think you can consider that I "play" lol) but I still have TONS of Shard pride.

We're the only server that can claim to have had the silver steed for a good length of time so I would also like to thank any people who donate and to those who still go to Taming Hour and turn in those lovely beasts to earn points!