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[News]Auctions - Week of February 21st

Lake Superior News

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Stratics Legend

The following are our Auctions for this week on Lake Superior:​

Archdemon Auction

Date: Monday, February 21st​

Time: 9:00 pm CST​

Location: Out the North gate of Luna & 3 houses East​

Contact: Rose - ICQ 576122555​

Hanging Gardens Auction</p>
Date: Wednesday, February 23rd​

Time: 8:00 pm EST​

Location: North of Compassion- Gates provided from Luna Bank​

Contact: Tabatha - ICQ372172324​

MOA Auction</p>
Date: Friday, February 25th​

Time: 8:00 pm EST​

Location: First House East of Luna Moongate​

Contact: Sir Landon - ICQ 475387548​

*Note: MOA and BEC auctions are held every Friday night, each on alternating Fridays. There are house teleporters between these auction houses for your convenience. </p>
