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<font size=+1>All Shards to be Published</br></font> <font size=-1>Jeremy Dalberg </font> 13 Feb 2008 18:07:59
All shards will be published with the following during their next regularly scheduled maintenance:
[*]Changed all Blacksmithing and Tailoring runic intensities. Runics will now better match up to higher end loot. Maximum intensities are now 100% for all tailoring and blacksmithy runics, minimums are as follows: [*]Blacksmithing: <ul>Dull Copper: was 10, now 40 [/list] <ul>Shadow: was 20, now 45 [/list] <ul>Copper: was 25, now 50 [/list] <ul>Bronze: was 30, now 55 [/list] <ul>Gold: was 35, now 60 [/list] <ul>Agapite: was 40, now 65 [/list] <ul>Verite: was 45, now 70 [/list] <ul>Valorite: was 50, now 85[/list] [*]Tailoring: <ul>Spined: was 20, now 40 [/list] <ul>Horned: was 30, now 45 [/list] <ul>Barbed: was 40, now 50[/list] [*]Increased chance for GM smiths to get a hued BOD: +20% at 110 skill, +40% at 120 skill [*]Increased chance of receiving a Valorite BOD [*]Large footwear BODs should now be available in hues [*]BODs now have a 10 second wait time between turnins [*]NPCs now vocally acknowledge a BOD turnin [*]Creatures now give double meat resources in Felucca (except Siege and Mugen) [*]Frenzied Whirlwind now does more damage: 20 - 50 per strike [*]Certain Dragons have been buffed; they are now more powerful than Cu-Sidhe, Reptalons, or Hiryus but take 5 control slots [*]Ancient Wyrms now even more dangerous and powerful [*]Harrower resists and weapon skills slightly lowered [*]Bag of Sending fixed to handle items' weight ranges properly: <ul>1 - 10 stones cost one charge [/list] <ul>11 - 20 costs two, etc. [/list] [*]Broken quest chains can now be resigned from properly [*]Fixed bug where NPCs at the New Haven dock could block escort quests [*]Fixed bug where player can become stuck when trying to leave the Dark Knight challenge [*]Salvage bag: No longer creates overweight situations [*]Salvage bag: Recycles cloth without problems when multiple items exist in the bag [*]Salvage bag: Recovered resources will now stack appropriately [*]Removed monster firecrackers and particle effects on death [*]Blackrock elementals will not be a factor in your Valentine's Day mining activities [*]Disabled Halloween trick or treating [*]Disabled pumpkins from spawning [*]Magincia: Travel spells reenabled [*]Magincia: Permanent teleporters set up between Trinsic and Magincia (near the docks on each), both on solid ground [*]The New Haven moongate (southwest of the city) received worldbuilding updates, and a guard zone [*] Fixxed an exploit where Champ Spawns can be guardwhacked [*] Fixed an issue where the Damage Increase property on runic-crafted weapons was occasionally being dropped
Valentine's Day Content:</p> [*]Gift box spawns on characters older than 30 days [*]Added three new books of poetry [*]Added new NPC to sell books of poetry, called "Francis the Chapman" inside the Britain Conservatory [*]Rare pink bunnies will now spawn in a few hues throughout the land. Extremely rare purple bunny may make an appearance [*]Added four new "Stuffy Animals" that can be snuggled with at home [*]Added new Valentine's Day cards, in softer pastel pinks and whites. Several new messages [*]Added dark, milk, and white chocolates [*]New park area built around the Yew Waterfalls [*]Added a new Chocolatiering branch to the Cooking skill (Known Issue: the new chocolates only appear on the Cooking menu in 2D) [*]Added new chocolate ingredients that spawn on paragon monsters [*]Live event content
<font size=+1>All Shards to be Published</br></font> <font size=-1>Jeremy Dalberg </font> 13 Feb 2008 18:07:59
All shards will be published with the following during their next regularly scheduled maintenance:
[*]Changed all Blacksmithing and Tailoring runic intensities. Runics will now better match up to higher end loot. Maximum intensities are now 100% for all tailoring and blacksmithy runics, minimums are as follows: [*]Blacksmithing: <ul>Dull Copper: was 10, now 40 [/list] <ul>Shadow: was 20, now 45 [/list] <ul>Copper: was 25, now 50 [/list] <ul>Bronze: was 30, now 55 [/list] <ul>Gold: was 35, now 60 [/list] <ul>Agapite: was 40, now 65 [/list] <ul>Verite: was 45, now 70 [/list] <ul>Valorite: was 50, now 85[/list] [*]Tailoring: <ul>Spined: was 20, now 40 [/list] <ul>Horned: was 30, now 45 [/list] <ul>Barbed: was 40, now 50[/list] [*]Increased chance for GM smiths to get a hued BOD: +20% at 110 skill, +40% at 120 skill [*]Increased chance of receiving a Valorite BOD [*]Large footwear BODs should now be available in hues [*]BODs now have a 10 second wait time between turnins [*]NPCs now vocally acknowledge a BOD turnin [*]Creatures now give double meat resources in Felucca (except Siege and Mugen) [*]Frenzied Whirlwind now does more damage: 20 - 50 per strike [*]Certain Dragons have been buffed; they are now more powerful than Cu-Sidhe, Reptalons, or Hiryus but take 5 control slots [*]Ancient Wyrms now even more dangerous and powerful [*]Harrower resists and weapon skills slightly lowered [*]Bag of Sending fixed to handle items' weight ranges properly: <ul>1 - 10 stones cost one charge [/list] <ul>11 - 20 costs two, etc. [/list] [*]Broken quest chains can now be resigned from properly [*]Fixed bug where NPCs at the New Haven dock could block escort quests [*]Fixed bug where player can become stuck when trying to leave the Dark Knight challenge [*]Salvage bag: No longer creates overweight situations [*]Salvage bag: Recycles cloth without problems when multiple items exist in the bag [*]Salvage bag: Recovered resources will now stack appropriately [*]Removed monster firecrackers and particle effects on death [*]Blackrock elementals will not be a factor in your Valentine's Day mining activities [*]Disabled Halloween trick or treating [*]Disabled pumpkins from spawning [*]Magincia: Travel spells reenabled [*]Magincia: Permanent teleporters set up between Trinsic and Magincia (near the docks on each), both on solid ground [*]The New Haven moongate (southwest of the city) received worldbuilding updates, and a guard zone [*] Fixxed an exploit where Champ Spawns can be guardwhacked [*] Fixed an issue where the Damage Increase property on runic-crafted weapons was occasionally being dropped
Valentine's Day Content:</p> [*]Gift box spawns on characters older than 30 days [*]Added three new books of poetry [*]Added new NPC to sell books of poetry, called "Francis the Chapman" inside the Britain Conservatory [*]Rare pink bunnies will now spawn in a few hues throughout the land. Extremely rare purple bunny may make an appearance [*]Added four new "Stuffy Animals" that can be snuggled with at home [*]Added new Valentine's Day cards, in softer pastel pinks and whites. Several new messages [*]Added dark, milk, and white chocolates [*]New park area built around the Yew Waterfalls [*]Added a new Chocolatiering branch to the Cooking skill (Known Issue: the new chocolates only appear on the Cooking menu in 2D) [*]Added new chocolate ingredients that spawn on paragon monsters [*]Live event content