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[News]A Talking Toad, A Death Shroud, And A Bunny To Call Home. (recap)

Napa Valley News

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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Greetings fellow Britannians!

It was a very exciting weekend! My final report for the Holiday follows the exciting search for where that elusive Easter Bunny calls Home. Yes I found his home, and no he wasn't in it. Mores the pity because after everything it took to get there, I expected at least a cup of coffee.

I started my adventure in Luna, where things always seem to happen. Cyrus was standing where he always is (I personally wonder if he wants to run through the gate screaming, as much time as he spends standing there) and I made the mistake of mentioning the Easter Bunny aloud to myself. Don't ask, I'll never tell.

Typical of Cyrus, he starting yapping of some rumor about a bunny that bites in his den. I usually ignore his incessant ramblings but well, I was bored and Leon always has refreshments!

Barging up to the counter is never a good idea, in fact, Leon can be quite slippery if he knows you want something. The trick is to lead with gold that clanks.

How does a Toad always figure into these scenarios? Anyone else sometimes find themselves asking some talking amphibian questions on a Sunday night? Or is it just me?

Zento is lovely this time of year, though traveling there just to ask some FlowerGirl about a Bunny Den seems a bit awkward.

Now here is where it got really interesting. Of course I went to the Dungeon. Of course I traveled alone. Did any part of this adventure give the impression that I was anything but insane? Of course, after I was ushered into the land of the infinite gray a couple of times, I called in for backup.

The guys from The Holy Reserve [THR]: Lord Caramon, Nosmo King, Death Arrow, and Shania were fabulous escorts. They were even kind enough to introduce me to Sudiva, the dragon that time forgot, err, that Mythic forgot!

If not for them, I would never have known there were four blue eggs by that lake. Thanks! Of course, it's never as easy as it seems, right? Go down into an undead infested chamber and follow the directions given. Right...

Sooo, if not for my "photographic" memory... umm... that's it, I would have had to return to the Dungeon. I think THR might have left me there by the lake if that were the case. Oops, count the green eggs because they go better with the lilies. Sure lady, 2 green eggs... dug from my, umm... memory. By now though, I'm wondering... Does anyone actually know where this Bunny lives? The FlowerGirl tried to have me killed, just so I could go to The Hidden Valley?

And William definitely needed to get out more himself. Just my humble opinion.

Gregor Holmes was not actually near Yew bank. For the record. In fact, I ran right past him twice coming out of the Yew moongate and he didn't so much as wave at me. Although, to be honest, I don't think he wanted to talk to me at all. It wasn't anything specific, just more of a feeling.

I've spent this whole weekend running it seems and there I was, at it again. Luckily, this was the last jaunt. Zipping along, because I do that when I see even one Lich, much less a forest full of them, I made it to the mentioned ruins and spied a neat, little hole in the ground.

Of course, I moved to climb down and fell in. No worries though, it happens to me all the time and no one was there to see it.

When I came to, I found myself in a dazzling, brightly colored, Easter wonderland of sorts. Here there be Bunnies! Or a work station where a bunny could color eggs.

Down in a corner I found a large, magic egg with a nice lantern declaring it clickable. Sunday and Monday, both days yielding a different colored basket.

Gus of Llanowar was more than happy to show me what
clicking the egg would yield. It was magic indeed. The baskets went from Plain on Sunday to Purple on Monday. The baskets themselves carried an assortment of goodies: Easter Grass, jellybeans, robin's egg candy, and colored chocolate bunnies!

I made it safely out of the Bunny Den with all my limbs intact, and had a great time too! I hope everyone in Napa Valley saw the Easter Bunny's Den and more importantly, had a lovely Holiday! See ya when next the lantern calls!

Best Gaming Wishes,
Salya Sin
