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[NEWS] A "Quiet" Night In Luna


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
"What is a Shadow Wyrm doing in Luna?" Aranel was so flustered she nearly forgot to hide. She quickly changed to wolf form and stealthed around the city ... what a sight it was! The Shadowlords and their treachery. Sending vicious attacks against the unsuspecting.

The first waves were beaten down by the brave and persistent. Many lost their lives and were raised to return to the fight but the cruelest fate was about to beset them. Weary and in need of a moment of peace and safety, many retreated to the security of the bank. Little did they know the Shadowlords would have ways to disband, distract or disable the guards.

The first few moments were deadly indeed until the citizens again banded together ...


... but the Shadowlords having watched their minions perish decided to deal with Luna themselves...


The defenders quickly dispatched the Shadowlords and quiet finally settled over the City. Aranel left weary but with renewed hope that the people of Sosaria will be up to the challenges they have yet to face.


In addition to the attack on Luna, I noticed this morning that Dawn's home is burning in Yew (I had not seen this previously posted for LS) and last night before the attacks, notices were posted in Luna and Britain (at the west bank) that Lord Casca will be giving a speech at the Castle on Friday.