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[NEWS] A Paragon Night in Luna; A Sea of Black


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

"Even the Shadowlords could not have meant to send this many minions against Luna". Nwalme said out loud as she fought her way through the sea of black. The Shadow Wyrms were so great in number their wings made it as night in the streets. And Casca ... wasn't it perfect timing that he would have the ear of so many just as the Shadowlords attacked again. Nwalme's mind drifted back to the words he spoke...

... and now that same audience was fighting for Luna's survival. Many died and were returned to life, including Nwalme. Even stealth did not protect her from the forces unleashed by the Shadowlords.

Many hours later, the defending forces were healing their wounded comrades and pets, taking a moment, uneasy as always, to resupply and rest all the while knowing that the night's violence may not yet be over.

This was the cruelest attack yet and many died, repeatedly, in their effort to protect the land but the citizens rallied together; enemy faction worked with enemy faction, guild with guild. The Shadowlord's could not have foreseen that the result of their attempts to destroy Luna would be to bring a sense of unity to the land.

Nwalme left Luna with less apprehension for the future of Sosaria. No doubt the next few days would bring more brutal assaults by the Shadowlords, perhaps weeks or months of them, but the Shadowlords have underestimated the strength of the Sosarian residents. Of that Nwalme is certain.
