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[News] A Deathly Example (August 23rd, 8pm CST)


Stupid Miner

In a stunning show of mercy, Lord Casca has decided to make a deal with Markett. Lord Casca has decided that Markett shall be forced to fight vicious beasts brought in from lands throughout Britannia. If he survives, he will win his freedom. If not, his public death will be an example to all to not disobey the orders of the King.

For those of you not familiar with Markett (previously Lord Markett)…he was a Royal Recruitment Officer credited with bringing many volunteers into the ranks of the Royal Guard. Lord Casca believes the man directly disobeyed his orders (though this has seen much debate) by going to the lands of Felucca to combat piracy. As an example our King decided the man shall be sentenced to death.

Lord Casca invites all to come and watch. The event will be held Sunday (August 23rd) at 8pm CST. A special moongate will be opened at the West-Britain bank to take everyone to the arena.

Taken from http://www.emquantum.com/LakeSuperior/

So it seems Casca has shown his true nature: he's a sadist. Could someone please put this sick ******* out of our misery?

Good luck to Markett. Here's to hoping that he's as good a fighter as he is a recruiting officer.


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ok could not make it on time what happened?

Barry Gibb

Of Saintly Patience
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Please let those of us who could not make know what went down.

Stayin Alive,


Shamus Turlough

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Casca pitted Markett against a few regular creatures, scorpion, polar bear, frenzies ossie. Markett won, then Casca's ninja archer guard killed Markett. Then we got attacked by a bunch of balrons and doom mobs.