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Am i the only one? or are u guys seeing like 2 - 5 newbies in almost every house?!

imported_Gracie Nito

Many sims from TC that were not in TC3 before have 5 more slots to fill.


Yes with the ability to create up to what 6 sims in tc per account i wouldn't exactly automatically credit them as newbies.



Yes with the ability to create up to what 6 sims in tc per account i wouldn't exactly automatically credit them as newbies.

[/ QUOTE ]

No i meant if you've seen real newbies, people that are playing it for the first time. I've seen a lot and they were asking for help or guidance.

Keep It Real

Noticed a few new sims and answered 1000 questions. I have noticed even more TC1 people with all those skills and locks who didn't have to sacrifice a sim to get to TC3 as many of us did. TC3 residents should be given locks according to account age to make up for the bogus way the TC3 founders were treated. We had to kill off an old sim and now we are at a disadvantage because TC1 sims were able to keep all their locks and age. What a crock of........."stuff".


A disadvantage to what????
We were given the option to play in a test city and we exercised that option - no one twisted our arm. But you act as if you were forced to go there and are now entitled to some kind of compensation.
Further, you don't ask, or suggest - you demand! Along with veiled (and not so veiled) insults.
Gee, I can't imagine why they don't jump when you crack your whip.

For the record: I am in favor of linking skill locks to account age, but this is a hell of a way to discuss it.

Keep It Real

WOW Dude, you sure did read a lot into that? LMAO, ok whatevah. Now let me go "crack my whip" someplace else.



A disadvantage to what????
We were given the option to play in a test city and we exercised that option - no one twisted our arm. But you act as if you were forced to go there and are now entitled to some kind of compensation.
Further, you don't ask, or suggest - you demand! Along with veiled (and not so veiled) insults.
Gee, I can't imagine why they don't jump when you crack your whip.

For the record: I am in favor of linking skill locks to account age, but this is a hell of a way to discuss it.

[/ QUOTE ]

I concur with donavan on this one.

Keep It Real

Disadvantage on locks mainly. For being so brane you sure missed the boat on this one. While I have to skill and reskill and then reskill again, I could be crafting, visiting friends, redlinking/greenlinking and whatever else I feel the desire to do other than skill non stop in order to get the higher payouts or be able to craft items I want. DUH!



A disadvantage to what????
We were given the option to play in a test city and we exercised that option - no one twisted our arm. But you act as if you were forced to go there and are now entitled to some kind of compensation.
Further, you don't ask, or suggest - you demand! Along with veiled (and not so veiled) insults.
Gee, I can't imagine why they don't jump when you crack your whip.

For the record: I am in favor of linking skill locks to account age, but this is a hell of a way to discuss it.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree with Donovan too. I am also in favor for skill locks to account age.

What I always dislike is "HEY NO FAIR" attitudes.

None of us are 8 years old. And sometimes, somebody else will have better and more.

We all don't get a lolly pop just because one person does.

Now, its great that actual Newbies are finding their way. I think its been a while since any of us actually have seen that kind of influx



Disadvantage on locks mainly. For being so brane you sure missed the boat on this one. While I have to skill and reskill and then reskill again, I could be crafting, visiting friends, redlinking/greenlinking and whatever else I feel the desire to do other than skill non stop in order to get the higher payouts or be able to craft items I want. DUH!

[/ QUOTE ]
Well, shoot - ain't that terrible.
You chose to go to the new city knowing that you'd have to start your sim over, but now.... now it is unfair.
And all those pesky TC folks - why.... they were just handed a buncha locks! Oh, I can see yer point now....

Give it up.... there may plenty of areas where players got hosed.... but this isn't one of them.

imported_Gracie Nito

I have to agree with Donavan here. We were given the choice to create a new sim in TC3 and we took it. Many TC sims spent months in a stale city with nothing to do but wait. They spent years earning their locks, so I can't begrudge them anything. These sims again will be stuck in a test center for years to come. Most of the residents of TC3 are just biding their time until EA-Land opens. I don't see any point in giving everyone the same locks as they will not be around to play in TC3 anyway. Most TC sims lived in a test center their whole lives and will continue to do so.

Everyone was given an opportunity to move one of their older sims to TC before the merge. If you chose not to bring one of your experienced sims to TC3, then that is your loss.

If you are so concerned about keeping up with crafting, then go buy some fruit or find a well skilled TC teacher to help you keep up your skills.

Keep It Real


Oh SNAP! Silly me for having a thought that goes against the grain of the collective brane pool. A thousand pardons.........




Oh SNAP! Silly me for having a thought that goes against the grain of the collective brane pool. A thousand pardons.........

[/ QUOTE ]
Apology accepted.


This comment isn't really directed at anyone.

I deleted and created a sim in TC3 on opening day. The one thing I always missed was my older sims. When TC was slated to merge with TC3, I thought to myself, "What better way to get an older sim into TC3?" So I selected a few and sent them to TC.

First off, there will only be 2 cities. So why not send a few oldies to TC3? And 2ndly, I took a BIG chance in losing my older sims had the merge not gone right or if there are problems in TC3.

But anyone with older sims could have had them in TC3 right now. If they didn't move them, that was their option.



This comment isn't really directed at anyone.

I deleted and created a sim in TC3 on opening day. The one thing I always missed was my older sims. When TC was slated to merge with TC3, I thought to myself, "What better way to get an older sim into TC3?" So I selected a few and sent them to TC.

First off, there will only be 2 cities. So why not send a few oldies to TC3? And 2ndly, I took a BIG chance in losing my older sims had the merge not gone right or if there are problems in TC3.

But anyone with older sims could have had them in TC3 right now. If they didn't move them, that was their option.

[/ QUOTE ]

My TC sim is my most skilled, and least recreated sim. I could have moved her out and sent a younger older sim to TC3, but I figured I'd been testing with this sim all along, may as well go for it.

If it hurts your heart that much KIR, I'll meet you at the pub later, I'm very nearly maxed in all skills.. I'll teach you a thing or two.

Keep It Real



This comment isn't really directed at anyone.

I deleted and created a sim in TC3 on opening day. The one thing I always missed was my older sims. When TC was slated to merge with TC3, I thought to myself, "What better way to get an older sim into TC3?" So I selected a few and sent them to TC.

First off, there will only be 2 cities. So why not send a few oldies to TC3? And 2ndly, I took a BIG chance in losing my older sims had the merge not gone right or if there are problems in TC3.

But anyone with older sims could have had them in TC3 right now. If they didn't move them, that was their option.

[/ QUOTE ]

My TC sim is my most skilled, and least recreated sim. I could have moved her out and sent a younger older sim to TC3, but I figured I'd been testing with this sim all along, may as well go for it.

If it hurts your heart that much KIR, I'll meet you at the pub later, I'm very nearly maxed in all skills.. I'll teach you a thing or two.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thats soooooooooooooooooooooo sweet of you Ms Jackiee, but alas, teaching at a green free lot is not possible, now if you could give me the locks I would gladly skill myself up to fill them all myself. But thanks just the same. Again a thousand pardons for thinking outside the collective and asking for locks according to account age. How silly of me.


No one said you had to give up a sim to get to tc3. No wait, no one said you had to come to tc3, that's it. But you see KIR, you can skill your behind off if you have no locks. Just means that you will have to skill more often. Besides, skilling is part of the game. And you love TSO so much, I thought that you would understand that part of it. Just food for thought.

Keep It Real

LMAO....as you can clearly see the idea was to reissue locks according to account age AS HAS BEEN SUGGESTED BEFORE by many players, not just me. But hey I understand you cannot see that just like you swore TC3 would never be free, it's ok, your allowed to be wrong here like anyone else is.



LMAO....as you can clearly see the idea was to reissue locks according to account age AS HAS BEEN SUGGESTED BEFORE by many players, not just me. But hey I understand you cannot see that just like you swore TC3 would never be free, it's ok, your allowed to be wrong here like anyone else is.

[/ QUOTE ]

???? never be free. you are going to have to bring a quote up for me on that. I dont' think the locks should be re-issued LMAO!! Funny how you laugh at everything. And as far as tc3 being free, it isn't, i still have to pay a bill every month. if i switch to a free account, i loose quite a few of my sims.


Yikes. This thread is getting ugly.

Is this still about Newbies? LoL

Keep It Real



LMAO....as you can clearly see the idea was to reissue locks according to account age AS HAS BEEN SUGGESTED BEFORE by many players, not just me. But hey I understand you cannot see that just like you swore TC3 would never be free, it's ok, your allowed to be wrong here like anyone else is.

[/ QUOTE ]

???? never be free. you are going to have to bring a quote up for me on that. I dont' think the locks should be re-issued LMAO!! Funny how you laugh at everything. And as far as tc3 being free, it isn't, i still have to pay a bill every month. if i switch to a free account, i loose quite a few of my sims.

[/ QUOTE ]

You crack me up. Look up your own quote and see how wrong you were then, and still are now. Thanks for the laughs.


apparently it turned into someone wanting skill locks there sim hasn't earned yet. IMHO

Keep It Real


Yikes. This thread is getting ugly.

Is this still about Newbies? LoL

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh your right Mandi, I'll refrain from answering the taunts now. My point has been proven now.



This comment isn't really directed at anyone.

I deleted and created a sim in TC3 on opening day. The one thing I always missed was my older sims. When TC was slated to merge with TC3, I thought to myself, "What better way to get an older sim into TC3?" So I selected a few and sent them to TC.

First off, there will only be 2 cities. So why not send a few oldies to TC3? And 2ndly, I took a BIG chance in losing my older sims had the merge not gone right or if there are problems in TC3.

But anyone with older sims could have had them in TC3 right now. If they didn't move them, that was their option.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree with Dutch here and have also done the exact same thing!

KIR If u really wanted an old sim in TC3 you too could have moved 1 of your sims to TC and then again over to TC3 when we had the opportunity to, you chose not to. I TOO created early because it was my choice to and im not complaining about extra locks etc thats bull you get what the sim is entitled to by creation date nothing more. We have had the ability of having 6 TC3 sims per account so moving 1 easily could have been an option. I have accounts now with 2 TC3 sims, but I play the sims with more skills/locks more often.

BTW Nobody read too far into what your original post stated, they read it exactly as it was typed by you. Its not about u thinking outside the collective, we had choices and knew the result of those choices at the start.

That wouldn't exactly be fair to have EA reissue locks by account age, they've NEVER done it before in any other city, why do it now.


Okay, I did look it up. And, my statement is still correct. So tc3 is free, do you still get to do everything single thing a paying member does? Or is it still set up as a trial account?



Okay, I did look it up. And, my statement is still correct. So tc3 is free, do you still get to do everything single thing a paying member does? Or is it still set up as a trial account?

[/ QUOTE ]

This thread is about newbies and whether they exist or not and appears to be going way off topic.

There is another thread discussing what you get when you subscribe to a trial account, so perhaps the answer to the above question and any further discussion could be directed to that other thread.



Keep It Real

Correct, so I'm fine with letting it drop. But OTHERS seem to like to beat dead horses so here's one for em.





This comment isn't really directed at anyone.

I deleted and created a sim in TC3 on opening day. The one thing I always missed was my older sims. When TC was slated to merge with TC3, I thought to myself, "What better way to get an older sim into TC3?" So I selected a few and sent them to TC.

First off, there will only be 2 cities. So why not send a few oldies to TC3? And 2ndly, I took a BIG chance in losing my older sims had the merge not gone right or if there are problems in TC3.

But anyone with older sims could have had them in TC3 right now. If they didn't move them, that was their option.

[/ QUOTE ]

My TC sim is my most skilled, and least recreated sim. I could have moved her out and sent a younger older sim to TC3, but I figured I'd been testing with this sim all along, may as well go for it.

If it hurts your heart that much KIR, I'll meet you at the pub later, I'm very nearly maxed in all skills.. I'll teach you a thing or two.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thats soooooooooooooooooooooo sweet of you Ms Jackiee, but alas, teaching at a green free lot is not possible, now if you could give me the locks I would gladly skill myself up to fill them all myself. But thanks just the same. Again a thousand pardons for thinking outside the collective and asking for locks according to account age. How silly of me.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oooh I didn't mean actual sim teaching *giggles* I have no attention span for that. Just teaching you a thing or two about a thing or two

As far as newbies existing... I am not in game enough to run into honest to god newbies, but I do keep running into people I've known long ago.

Every time I log in lately I always get a "Jackiee can you open a PM for me" in house chat, being nosy by nature I always do. Then I get a "OMG remember me I used to be [enter name here]). this helps as I'm on my original TC sim, so they know its me. :p

I think its' very promising to see a lot of old players still interested to check it out. It shows a good sign.

If people are seeing newbies, that is an even better sign. And now that we have direct links to the Wiki and the Blog in game there is a better shot at these new players having a source of information.

Keep It Real

Old dawg, new tricks, doubt ya could but thanks just the same.



This isn't directed at anyone in particular. But is there a reason why people feel the need to call someone a newbie or a noob?? I guess to me that seems like a derogatory term. Not going to state any others for examples. I remember when I started and people called me that and I refused to talk to them after that. Just curious why people don't call new players just that, new players. And if someone says cause its too long or too much to type, never mind, I won't go there. Anyway, just curious.


The word newbie always makes me think of the first sims I played, Bob and Betty Newbie. To me it has no negative about it at all, just fond memories from years back, when I first started simming.

Noob on the other hand is something completely different, at least for me. I would be offended if anyone called me that.

More on topic....Yes I have seen quite a few real new players in game. Didn't notice that many when I played last, about a year and a half ago. Now there's at least 2-3 in every house I go to.



This thread is about newbies and whether they exist or not...

[/ QUOTE ]

Like the M'nM dudes meet Santa commercial?

They do exist really, I see newbies all the time...not to be confused with a dude in a Santa suit or a talking piece of candy, though both of them exist too I think, at least on TV.

imported_Gracie Nito

Yes Ronin. The first sim you meet in the original sims is Bob Newbie. Besides that Newbie has been a term used for New people in many forms of internet communities.

I would expect to be called a newbie and have never taken offense to the term. It just means you are new. Even a long time player that creates a new sim is a newbie in my book. Their character has no skills, money or home so they are new. Newbie.

Some people use the term noob synonomously with newbie. However a noob can also mean a newbie that has gooberish tendencies. So I would be careful who you call a noob because they might take offense to that.

Recently I've even heard that a free playing noob is referred to as a froob. I guess some consdider them gooberish for not subscribing in the first place.



From the Urban Dictionary:

derived from online video games.
often confused with the term newb or newbie, but instead of meaning new to the game as the latter does, noob refers to people who have played the game for a while but still (edited for crudeness) and are ignorant, selfish, and lack the most important skill of all, teamwork.

A person new to a game, concept, or forum. Not to be confused with n00b, a stupid person. Newbies are just new.
Dude, that guy just joined the forum yesterday and is a total newbie to HTML. You should tell him how to get an avatar since he doesn't know.

There is a distinct difference between the use and meaning of the two words. n00b is an insult, newbie is not.



Correct, so I'm fine with letting it drop. But OTHERS seem to like to beat dead horses so here's one for em.

[/ QUOTE ]
Hey! Not me!
I forgave your transgression when you posted that heartfelt apology.

Go and sin no more, my son.



Oooh I didn't mean actual sim teaching *giggles* I have no attention span for that. Just teaching you a thing or two about a thing or two

[/ QUOTE ]
Ooooooooooooo...... that sounds kinda..... ootzie.

Keep It Real



Correct, so I'm fine with letting it drop. But OTHERS seem to like to beat dead horses so here's one for em.

[/ QUOTE ]
Hey! Not me!
I forgave your transgression when you posted that heartfelt apology.

Go and sin no more, my son.

[/ QUOTE ]

LMAO, thanks Donavan, another chuckle today was needed.




This thread is about newbies and whether they exist or not...

[/ QUOTE ]

Like the M'nM dudes meet Santa commercial?

They do exist really, I see newbies all the time...not to be confused with a dude in a Santa suit or a talking piece of candy, though both of them exist too I think, at least on TV.

[/ QUOTE ]
Can't say that I have actually *seen* one - but I have seen their footprints and a couple blurry photos.