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New Trees Causing Lag?

Lady Lava

UO Senior News Reporter
As with many of you I was itching to use the new plants/trees in plot design/decor.

Today I re-decorate my GL Luna vendor shop, EVIL GARDEN with 8 of the new trees and 7 hedges.
Since the placement of these plants I have lag approaching, while in and departing from shop/plot. I have not had lag in the game for years.

I removed the hedges and still had lag. I removed the trees and the lag went away. Is anyone else experiencing this phenomenon?

Lady Lava



I haven't noticed any increase in lag from decorating with them, but I can see where it could be an issue on particularly low end systems when in a house.

Clipping on most items is pretty simple, and quick. But in houses - dealing with an object that is 3 stories tall - and the fact that they don't use a typical bounding system... Yes, clipping is going to be working overtime on each cypress placed inside a house, specially on the lower floors.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Eslake, 'splain clipping and bounding, please? and if that is the issue, will putting the trees on upper floors help at all? (hope you're sensing how much I don't get it ;) )


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Clipping in this situation refers to how much of an object/area the game shows, and how to decide whats in front of/behind it. Bounding would be the physical area an object occupies in the game (that is, its length/width/height). All I got are the terminology definitions tho.

Lady Lava

UO Senior News Reporter
As with many of you I was itching to use the new plants/trees in plot design/decor.

Today I re-decorate my GL Luna vendor shop, EVIL GARDEN with 8 of the new trees and 7 hedges.
Since the placement of these plants I have lag approaching, while in and departing from shop/plot. I have not had lag in the game for years.

I removed the hedges and still had lag. I removed the trees and the lag went away. Is anyone else experiencing this phenomenon?

Lady Lava

I took all but one tree from the plot and the lag was the same as it was with 7 or 8 trees.
I have replaced all the trees as that is the way I want the plot decorated.

Now ( several hours later ) I still have lag but it is not as bad as before. Just a little update. :)
As stated earlier, I have not had lag in years.

Juicy Fruit

I ran by your house several times, even with everything in your house showing to me and I didn't have any lag, might be your isp or your route to the servers being jumpy today. ? .


Eslake, 'splain clipping and bounding, please? and if that is the issue, will putting the trees on upper floors help at all? (hope you're sensing how much I don't get it ;) )
Clipping for the layman. :)

Make some little paper puppets (southpart characters for example).
Take a big cardboard box, like a refrigerator box, and cut a little window in it, maybe 1foot x 1foot.

You can stand behind the box, and move the puppets in and out of the window area to have a puppet show.
They can move in and out of the viewable area, no problem.
You can move one puppet in front of another, no problem.

But when a computer is trying to do the same thing, there is no physical object to obstruct the view. if you pass one object in front of another, the computer has to determine what parts of the object further away are "clipped" from view or the images mix together and become unrecognizable.

Now.. to explain the tree problem..
Imagine if you made 3 different windows on your fridge-box puppet booth. Each on top of the other, so you could have 3 shows at a time. (floors of a house)
Everything is essentially the same. Puppets block other puppets, and so on.

But when you add something so tall that it reaches from the bottom window(floor) all the way up into the 3rd?

The game suddenly has to handle clipping on a single object on all 3 floors at once, for each tree present. This clipping is being handled not just on the objects Inside the house, but those in front of it, and behind it as well.

That is why older PCs will see a noticable increase in lag for large objects like these trees.

Bounding .. .. well you already get the idea of why the trees cause lag, explaining bounding might only serve to confuse the issue. :p The short version is defining the space in which an object/objects can be drawn at all.

I actually hesitate to call it "lag" since most assume that means something to do with the connection or information being sent to and from the servers. But it sounds better than saying it Bogs Down.