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New to Pac



I am new to pac and working on my mage suit. I checked around Luna a bit, but there wasn't too much up for offer concerning armor for sale. I'm lacking 2 pieces to complete my set and was wondering if anyone has a good vendor location in mind or even their own collection of leather armor that might fit what I need.

Contact me @ ICQ 97425762


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It'd be cheaper to spend decent amount of money on a imbued suit 12m can get you a 25hpinc/70dci/12mr mage suit


Imbued suit? I've not heard of that, what is it? Where can I buy one?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
new expansion came out, Imbuing- Which you can pretty much make any type of armor you want with any mods on it but has a cap itensity of 500 and you can only have 5 mods per armor/wep ect its a new skill have someone else explain it or look on uoguide im a bad trammy